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Free Monologues

(For Adult Actor)

Found My Power


It would be different if I knew that you really loved me.

The fact is, I don't and I never did.  I was never sure of anything at all with you because there was a part of you that was cold.  A part of you that was weak.   A part of you that was not willing.  You never really let go of all the things that happened to you in your past.  So when I looked into your eyes I always felt like you didn't really see me.   I can't fully blame you.  I knew this. I felt this way and yet I loved you.   I blame myself because I gave to you my love and my time and my affection.   I considered you.  I gazed into your eyes deeply.  I wanted you to feel the love that I wanted for myself.  That was my mistake.  That was my doing.  Now I know better.   I won't be angry with you anymore.  I should have only given love to someone who could give it back so I could feel what I was giving.  I should have wrapped myself inside forgiveness and warmth, longing and contentment, should have given myself the laundry list of love I showered onto you.  It's not all gone.

My loves still here and I'm going to take it.  It's enough for me.



Sharon L Heath



It's About Me


What's in it for me?  I mean you tell me all of this and now I'm thinking it's a lot of work, a lot of work for me.  It seems like a hundred different things to get this done.  Do you think it's going to be easy, going to be done in a few minutes?  Not even!  Its probably going to take days if not a full week.  So this is what I'm going to do.  I'll look over everything over the next day or so and decide if I want to do it.  If I decide to do it, I want full credit.  Not a mention and a thank you but FULL credit.  My name, my title in writing and when it's announced to everyone, got it. So, what's it going to be?



Brian Heath



The Interview


Wait!  I was only pretending.  It was not what I meant at all.

Who ever really means what they say and says what they mean in an interview?

I was joking, trying to lighten up the mood and make you laugh, but I get it.

I get it.  You're not the laughing type.  Understood.  I'll never try to make you laugh again.  If you just give me a chance, I'll prove to you that I am the least fun person on the planet.  No wait.  Okay. Okay, not the least fun, but the most serious.  The most dedicated.  The most.  Terrible. Interview. Ever.  I resign.  I know, I haven't started, but...I resign.



Sharon L Heath