The "Poetic Justice" Script

one male, the other female. From the tone of their speech and the
accompanying music, we can tell we are entering a romantic scene.


scene played out between a man and a woman. Both are white. The couple have
just finished a candlelit dinner.

BRAD: You like your wine? Want s'more?

She nods her approval.

PENELOPE: Mmmmm you're good. Candles, dinner, wine. What's next?

He grins.

BRAD: Let me set the mood.

He goes over to the stereo to turn it on. The Isley Brothers' "Between the
Sheets" emanates from the speakers. Brad crosses to the couch and into a
position in which to kiss Penelope. He does, and the sound of "Between the
Sheets" is invaded by the remix of A Tribe Called Quest's "Bonita


Two lines of cars wait to enter the drive-in. The heavy bass sounds of
hip-hop music mingle in the air with that of the many window speakers that
plag the movie. In the background we can see the couple in the previous
scene kissing on a large movie screen. An LAPD helicopter flies overhead,
transcending us into the next shot. Welcome back to South Central Los


Overhead we see a shaft of Light coming from the drive-in's projector. As
we move past a few cars, their inhabitants are all in various threes of
sexual foreplay. Some are kissing; others are actually making love. All the
windows are steamed up. We hear the voices of the females as the men grunt,
groan, moan, and beg over their bodies. Love is in the air.

CAR #1: Don't bite me so hard! You gotta be more gentle.

CAR #2 (softly): Use your tongue. Just use your tongue.

CAR #3 (with heated passion): Ohhhh! Oh, yes, ohhh! Oww! I'm sticking to
the seat.

We come to last car, whose windows are crystal clear. Things are just
beginning to heat up between the couple inside the car. The woman is an
"around the way" honey with soft brown skin, full brown eyes, and nice
delicious full lips. This is Justice, who at seventeen is still looking for
her place in the world. The lucky man kissing her is her boyfriend,
Markell, a small-time drug dealer and former gangsta. Justice reluctantly
accepts his advances, but she ain't having it. There is a window speaker,
from which the sound of the movie Alters into the car.

MARKELL: C'mon, let's get in the back seat.

JUSTICE: No, Markell, why can't we just watch the movie?

MARKELL: 'Cause it's boring.

He goes to kiss her again. This time, it's a nice, long, juicy powerhouse
kiss that causes the Richter scale to jump two points. Justice appears
obviously affected. She asks the inevitable question.

JUSTICE: Markell, do you love me?

MARKELL: Of course I love you.

JUSTICE: Why? Tell me why you love me.

MARKELL (looks around): Now?

JUSTICE: Yeah, right now.

There is a pause. He thinks.

MARKELL: Okay, I love you because you too fine.

JUSTICE: Is that it?


Justice looks dissatisfied.

MARKELL: Can I have some sugar? Some butter? Some sweets?

JUSTICE: No, not yet. Get me some popcorn.

Markell 's face drops.

JUSTICE: Pleazzze?!

Markell relents and gets out of the car. He takes two steps, turns on a
heel, and leans into the car again.

MARKELL: Hey, Justice! I was just thinking. I also love you 'cause when I
was in tha county jail, you wrote me a lotta sweet poems.

Justice grins. Markell smiles and blows her a kiss good-bye.


There are only a few customers in line; all are Black or Hispanic. Markell
gets in line, and time slows down. We notice the abruptness of the popcorn
popping like gunshots, the sound and motion of the gurgling Orange Bang
machine, and two thugs who stand in the corner talking to each other.
Markell seems noticeably nervous at their presence.

THE COUNTER Where Markell finally arrives at the front of the line.

THE CORNER Where one of the two thugs looks across the room at Markell. For
a moment it looks as though he recognizes Markell. He turns back to
continue to talk with his friend. A fight breaks out in another corner, and
everyone's attention is drawn in that direction.

BACK TO COUNTER Markell completes his transaction amidst the mayhem and
walks away popcorn in hand. In the corner, the thug looks back toward the
counter. On his face we see he now recalls where he has seen Markell

5 INT/EXT COMPTON DRIVE-IN---THE CAR--NIGHT Markell comes back to the car,
glancing behind his back every so often.

MARKELL (looking over his left shoulder): I think I saw these fools that
Pete and I got beef with.

Markell turns to notice that Justice is not in the passenger seat. Justice
leans up from the back seat to kiss his cheek and tenderly run her fingers
around Markell's neck and shoulder. We notice her long fingernails. Markell
laughs and places the popcorn on the dashboard. Our attention is drawn to
the passenger window, where the drive-in speaker hangs. Romantic movie
music flows into the car. On the driver's side the window is open.
Suddenly, a pistol is placed next to Markell's head. Time slows down. The
gun is fired. Justice screams. The popcorn scatters, and the passenger
window breaks from the traveling bullet. Time resumes. Justice's screams
turn to a whimper. There is blood on her hands. The drive-in speaker has
now fallen on the passenger seat. We hear the romantic movie playing in the

OVERHEAD As we PULL UP and away from the car. There are people running and
screaming in every direction, and cars are leaving. These sounds overlap
into TITLE CARD: POETIC JUSTICE: The sun rises behind the logo.

DISSOLVE TO: 6 INT INGLEWOOD CEMETERY-DAY Where we come out of the leaves
of a tree to see a garden of stones, concrete symbols of souls long past.
There is one lone figure standing before a grave. We recognize this person
as Justice. We also hear Justice speak in voice over. Over the following
images she recites the first of many poems that move this story forward.

JUSTICE (V:O.): "Alone. Lying, thinking. Last night. How to find my soul a
home. Where water is not thirsty. And bread loaf is not stone. I came up
with one thing. And I don't believe I'm wrong. That nobody. But nobody can
make it out here alone."

them are dressed in white smocks and are standing over the heads of other
women who are seated in reclining beauty chairs. We hear the instructor
giving a lesson in hair coloring. We end on Justice listening attentively
and primping the hair of the woman in her chair.

JUSTICE (V.O.): "Alone, all alone. Nobody, but nobody. Can make it out here
alone. There are some millionaires with money they can't use. Their wives
run round like banshees. Their children sing the blues."


Where Justice puts some model heads into the trunk of her car.

9 EXI: CRENSHAW BOULEVARIF-DAY We see a CRENSHAW Sign up close go past the
frame, left to right. MONTAGE OF IMAGES We see various images of life in
the Crenshaw district of South Central Los Angeles. Some are static; others
are hand-held traveling shots, docu style.


There are images of people protesting a Korean liquor store, some
protestors flash signs that read Bw BLACK/RECYCLE BLACK WLLARS.


We see a Cop come out with donuts and coffee for himself and his partner.


A group of young men are curbside being interrogated by the LILPD. Nearby a
brother with a video camera begins to record. He is chased away by tha
police. In between some of these images, we SUPERIMPOSE the heads of some
women being done. Over these images we continue to hear Justice's voice
reading poetry. She is driving to work.

JUSTICE (V.O.): "They've got expensive doctors, to cure their hearts of
stone. But nobody. No nobody. Can make it out here alone. Alone, all alone.
Nobody, but nobody. Can make it out here alone. Now if you listen closely,
I'11 tell you what I know. Storm clouds are gathering, the wind is gonna
blow. The race of man is suffering, and I can hear the moan. Cause nobody.
But nobody. Can make it out here alone."

We see Justice's car pull to the curb. It is a 1992 Honda Accord, complete
with nice rims and tinted windows. The license plate reads 2 FUNKY.


JUSTICES NOTEBOOK Where we see Justice write the last stanza of the poem.

JUSTICE (V.O.): "Alone, all alone. Nobody, but nobody. Can make it out here

She closes her notebook. The cover reads NOTES OF A POETIC JUSTICE.

14 EXT CITYSTREET--DAY Where Justice exits her car. She uses her automatic
lock system, which sounds off "armed" when it locks. As she walks up the
street, we see the same brothers established in the previous montage on
their knees, with their hands behind their heads. Justice walks past them
without acknowledging their condition.

15 INT. JESSIE'S BEAUTYSALONAND SUPPLY--DAY Hair, nails, curlers, and
combs. A woman picks up a phone and says, "Jessie's Beauty Salon and
Supply. " We have invaded this place on Friday, the busiest day of the
week. We see many women of various ages, shapes, and sizes receiving hair
care from different stylists. No two heads are the same. Our attention and
ears are drawn to the loud voice of one young woman who sits on the waiting
couch flipping through a Black hair magazine. She has short-cut hair and
eyes, nails, and temper of a Siamese cat. This is lesha.

She is talking to Heywood, who is a spiritual person. He is so cosmic that
his sexuality is often questioned. Nearby at another booth is Dexter,
another male stylist who is very straight. His dick has guided him into the
world of cosmetology.

HEYWOOD (over images of nails, hair, etc.): I know whatcha mean. I don't
understand some of these women. I don't see how they can allow themselves
to be so disrespected! My body is my temple! And a temple should never be
defiled. Especially not in this case. I love myself.

Dexter shakes his head in shame at Heywood. He is massaging the head of one
fine-ass sistah. She smiles. Dexter suavely bends down and says, "You like
that don 't cha. "She nods in approval.

IESHA: Yeah, well, he just did my girl all wrong. She's as 'fraid as a cat.
Got her going around wearing sunglasses, and you know how she like braggin
about her pretty green eyes. So you know what's up with that. Top it off,
she still in love with the nigga.

Justice walks in.

JUSTICE: You telling everybody's business.

IESHA: Yeah, I'd tell your business too if you had somethin to tell.

JUSTICE: You ready?

lesha nods a yes.

JUSTICE: You got your hair?

lesha holds up a bag of synthetic hair. Justice walks toward her station,
saying "Hello" to the other stylists on the fly.

16 INT. THE BABYROOM--DAY Where we notice a large playpen with four babies.
All are dressed in Baby Guess, Air Jordans, and Fila. One baby plays with a
beeper that goes off as he puts it in his mouth. This is the Baby Room,
where the women leave their children when they get their hair done. Start
this shot off with a fine-ass sistah with a baby in hand walking over to
the crib.

THE DOORWAY Where we see a little boy about twelve years old standing in
the middle of these children. This is Baha, the errand boy of the shop.
Baba sits playing a Sega Game Gear, looking up from time to time out the
window and at the fine women that pass by. Some of the older children
attempt to distract him from his game.

BAHA: Stop! Quit! (looking out the window, then goes to the doorway) Here
she comes!

THE SALON Where all the stylists and customers turn. They know what that

17 EXT JESSLE'S SALON--DAY We see a hand with keys in the frame. The owner
of these keys presses a button, which turns on the car alarm. The license
on her car reads Ms. BOOTE. At leg level we swing around to walk toward the
salon. In front of the door stands a Panhandler with a sign in hand.

PANHANDLER: Good morning, Jessie. Could you spare some change?!

JESSIE (O.S.): Hell, naw! And get your dirty, smelly, unemployed ass out
from in front of my shop.

We move past the Panhandler and toward the front door of the shop.

17A INT JESSIE'S SALON-DAY BACK TO DOORWAY Where we see Jessie open her
Fendi purse to send Baha on an errand. Since we are at chair level, we
notice her shapely bottom half. She got much ass! IDEA start on her purse
being opened, then PAN over to Baha as we hear Jessie offscreen.

JESSIE (O.S.): Baha, do me a favor, baby, and go to the liquor store get me
a Honey Bun and a pack of-

BAHA (taking the money): Big Red. Yeah, I know.

WIDER As we see Baha take off for the store and Jessie turned around
calling to him.

JESSIE: And bring me back my change!

She turns back around, and we see her face. Jessie is the owner of this
shop. She is the queen of the hootchies in tha hood. Her attire puts the E
in ethnic, as she is wearing the hottest, most expensive outfit that can be
bought at the Fox Hills Mall. She takes off her sunglasses, and we can see
her face.

JESSIE (in a good mood): Good morning, everybody.

ANOTHER ANGLE As Jessie walks across the room and to the corner. All the
women in the shop are looking at her funny.

JESSIE (sweetly): What?! What? (vicious) What y'all looking at? I know I'm
Ane, but damn! Get back to work.

THE SALON Where everybody goes about their business.

17A CONTINUED THE SINK Iesha's head is in the sink. Justice is shampooing
and conditioning her hair. Iesha's eyes are closed to keep the suds from
stinging them.

JUSTICE: Just let that conditioning sit for five minutes.

IESHA: Where you going? You not gonna talk to me?

JUSTICE: No, I wanna go over here and talk to Jessie. It's a fivehour job
anyway--you might as well just chill.

Justice walks away.

IESHA: All right, then, just play me like a biscuit. Hair all wet, cold.

THE COUNTER Where Justice joins Jessie, who is busy checking the receipts
of the morning.



They both start laughing. A Delivery Man arrives with boxes of shampoo. A
few sistahs throw him an in terested eye. Jessie is checking him out also,

JUSTICE: So he's out, huh? Y'all got buckwild last night? Where'd y'all go?

JESSIE: Could you put 'em over there? Snooty Fox Motor Inn. (to the
stylists) Y'all make sure to fill out them receipts!

JUSTICE (laughing): They still got them red walls?

JESSIE: Yep, mirrors on the ceiling. Same ole, same o'. They been filling
out them receipts?


JESSIE: What you know about mirrors on the ceiling? When the last time you
been there?

JUSTICE: Snooty Fox? Don't remember.


DOORWAY Where we see a brother, Rodney, come in with this woman.

RODNEY: Hey, my girl need her hair and nails done.

JESSIE: She got an appointment?


HEYWOOD (O.S.): She ain't got no hair, either!

Some people laugh. We see the Woman. She got about as much hair as a Snap.

JESSIE: Make an appointment. (lights a smoke, touches Justice's hat) Why
you keep wearing these hats? What you hidin?! Ooow, keep it on.

JUSTICE (pulling her hat on): Stop.

JESSIE: You need to let me do somethin to that head of yours. Man, I'm
tired. Got a poem for me today? Lord knows I need one.

JUSTICE: I left my notebook in the car. I'11 get it in a bit.

JESSIE: When you gonna get a man? Asking all these questions about mine.
You still in mourning? Sportin black, don't make time to do your own hair.
Lookin tore up from tha floor up. You can always tell when a woman ain't
givin up no coochie.

JUSTICE: I like black. Besides, I don't have no time for no man right now.

JESSIE: See, your problem is you make bad choices in men. You don't know
how to pick 'em.

CUT TO: EXTSTREET-DAY Where we come down out of the sky to see a small U.S.
Postal Mail jeep turn in the street and come to the curb. We hear the heavy
bass beat ofhip-hop coming from the jeep.

JUSTICE (O.S.): Look who's talking.

19 INT. POSTAL JEEP--DAY Inside the jeep a hand presses the stop/eject on
the recorder and flips the tape.

19A EXT.CITYSTREET--DAY THE GROUND Where the jeep door opens and a pair of
sharp Nikes come out. We travel up to reveal the face of a young Black
brother, twenty-two years, well built, rough looking, a close fade under a
cap that reads U.S.MAIL. This is Lucky. Not your everyday postman, but just
another hard-working young South Central brother trying to make that
hard-to-come-by daily dollar. ANOTHER ANGLE As Lucky gets his bag and walks
toward the salon entrance.

PANHANDLER (singing): Hey, hey wait a minute, Mr. Postman! Mr. Postman, got
some spare change?

LUCKY: Naw, muthafucka, but I gotta spare stamp so you can mail your ass a
job application!

CUT TO: 20 INT. JESSIE'S SALON-DAY Where Lucky enters. His eyes take in the
sight of all these fine, beautiful sistahs. This is his favorite part of
his route. One or two women pass in front ofhim.

ANOTHER ANGLE Lucky makes his way to the counter, where he gives the mail
to Justice, who is organizing the outgoing mail. Jessie sits nearby.

LUCKY: Y'all didn't get nothing but bills.

Lucky looks at Justice, trying to make eye contact, which she skillfully

JUSTICE'S P.O.V.: Lucky's hands pull out mail and place it on the counter.
36, 48, f.p.s. Justice is licking stamps and placing them on outgoing
envelopes. Lucky notices her sexy tongue.

LUCKY: Why you always looking so mad? You too fine to be looking so angry.
.. . You must ain't got no boyfriend 'cause you always angry!

Justice finally looks up. Blank eyes. Blank face. No interest whatsoever.
Then her face breaks out into a mischievous smile. She looks Lucky up and
down, checkin him out.

JUSTICE (with attitude): What do you want? What do you want from me?

LUCKY: Well, I think you kinda fly. We could start with your number.

JUSTICE: Come here.

Lucky looks around.

JUSTICE (sexy): Come closer. I want to whisper somethin to you

Lucky leans in closer.

JUSTICE (coolly): Let's cut to the chase. What do you reeaally want? ...
You wanna smell my poonani?

Lucky is taken aback. Surprised.

LUCKY: . . Uhh, yeah Here?

JUSTICE: Wait a minute, baby. (turns to Jessle, loud) Jessie! He said he
wanna smell my poonani!

JESSIE (coolly, smoking): Really.

JUSTICE: Yeah. Should I let him smell it?


Jessie coolly walks from behind the counter and comes face to face with
Lucky. She leans in close to his face and blows air into his face. Lucky is
surprised. Justice and Jessie start laughing. Justice hands Lucky the
outgoing mail and walks across the shop to attend to lesha's hair. She
laughs her ass off. Lucky coolly closes his mailbag and walks out of the
salon. Jessie looks at his exit and then in Justice's direction. She just
smiles in amusement and puts out her cigarette. Same ole, same o'.

21 EXT. JESSIE'S SALON-DAY Lucky exits the salon, retaining his cool
despite being dissed.

LUCKY (Under his breath, looking back): Crazy Black bitches.

The Panhandler comes nearby. Lucky reaches into his pocket and gives him a

LUCKY: And don't smoke it. Here, take a stamp too. He hops into the jeep
and drives off.


A TIME CLOCK CLOSE: A second hand flows past the frame. The minute hand is
steady. The hour hand clicks to 4:30 P.M. A time card isplaced in. Someone
is checking out. THE HALLWAY Where we see Lucky is the one checking out. We
PUSH IN to him as he takes his card out and places it in a slot on the
wall. He then goes in his pocket to pull out an envelope.

THE ENVELOPE As it is opened, we can barely see that it is a paycheck.

ANOTHER ANGLE As Lucky notices the amount of the check. He looks
frustrated. Offscreen We hear the clock tick once more. Lucky looks around
to see if anyone is watching. Then he hits the clock, breaking the glass.

23 INT. BATHROOM--DAY A DUFFEL BAG Being stuffed with a postal uniform. A
handpulls out a baseball cap.

24 EXT: BATHROOM--DAY Where Lucky emerges in more comfortable clothing. As
he walks up the hall and into...


We start on a large CLOSE UP of George Bush's face. Suddenly, it is hit
with many darts. Maybe a shot on dart P.O.V., as in Robin Hood.

WIDER Where we see that we are in a Sorting Room. This is the place where
mail is sorted by ZIP code. There are eight guys at work. Three are
brothers; the other five are Hispanic. Chicago and a Mexican dude, E.J.,
are playing darts.

CHICAGO: You see that? I tore that muthafucka's nose up!

E.J. goes up to the dartboard, to which they have taped a picture of George

E.J.: Yeah that was nice!

Lucky comes into the room.

LUCKY: Y'all need to get y'all asses to work before y'all get Ared!

CHICAGO AND E.J.: Fuck you.

LUCKY (gestures to Chicago): What up, souljah?

Chicago walks toward Lucky. E.J. looks a little left out.

CHICAGO: What's up? Hey you know they put two more Buddha heads on mail
carrier. Still got me waiting, sorting with tha Mexicans.

We see E.J. in the close background nearby, sorting mail with an open ear.

E.J.: Hey, Chicago, don't be talking bout Mexicans! I kick your ass. At
least we got a country.

CHICAGO (whispers): I'm on Oaktown Run tomorrow. Getting a truck ready.
Wanna go?

LUCKY: Yeah.

E.J.: Y'all going to Oakland?

Lucky cuts him a dry look that reads "Mind your own business."

CHICAGO: Cool. You gonna bring a yamp?

E.J. (now in the middle): What's a yamp?

LUCKY: A young tramp. You mind?

E.J. calls Lucky a "Puto" and goes back to sorting mail. Lucky and Chicago
walk away and talk.

LUCKY (O.S.): And get them ZIP codes right.


LUCKY: I dunno. Why don't you get that crazy ho' you go wit to hook me up?

CHICAGO: I'm on it. You call your cousin K-Dog?

LUCKY: Naw, not yet. I hadda And a way up there this weekend anyway. (with
pride) Gotta work on our music thang. It's cool, we gettin' paid to go.
Gotta go, Loc.

Lucky goes to leave.

CHICAGO: Where you goin?

Lucky turns.

LUCKY: Why you need to know? You ain't my bitch! I'm off!

DISSOLVE TO 26 EXT THA PROJECTS-DAY WIDE As Lucky comes to the curb and
gets ready to exit his car. In the far background, we see and hear another
car coming up.

27 LVT GANGSTA RIDE--DAY From the inside of the car, we roll up on Lucky
getting out of his car. WE get the feeling something drastic is gonna
happen. 36, 48, f.p.s. Time slows down. Lucky turns around just as the car

ANGLE On Lucky, as he turns and attempts to see who is in the car. It turns
out to be some of his old friends.

LLOYD: What's up, Lucky?

LUCKY: What up, nigga? What y'all doing?

LLOYD: Looking for a nigga to jack.

In his lap we see a gun.

LUCKY: Ya'll need to jack that cracka Larryl Gates.


Everybody just turns and looks at him. Ne shrinks back into the back seat.

LLOYD: Yeah we gonna jack him too. Goin up to City Hall later today... ...
Remember Lerek?

LUCKY: Yeah. He live over there. (points)

LLOYD: Not no more. Got his ass caped out yesterday.... We gonna get tha
niggas that got him.

Lucky nods.

LUCKY: Well, later.

LLOYD: All right. Peace.

Lloyd smiles ironically.

LUCKY: Yeah, peace.

They drive off. Lucky turns and walks into tha projects

28 EXT. J-BONE'SPORCH-DAy Lucky walks up to a porch where we see a tall,
slender, light-brown brother wearing no shirt and smoking ajoint. This is
J-Bone, Lucky's old friend. So close are they that they have children by
the same woman. J-Bone is standing on his porch enjoying the afternoon sun
and a cool Santa Ana breeze. We hear a jet fly overhead. We hear a fly-ass
beat flowing from someone's apartment window.

J-BONE (Greeting): Mr. Postman! Working muthafucka!

LUCKY: Don't start! Whatsup, J-Bone.

J-BONE: Want some Thai bud?

LUCKY: Naw. Can't fuck wit that.

They pause for a moment. J-Bone's attention has wandered across the way.

ACROSS THE WAY We see an Old Woman toiling in her garden. In the projects
older folk respect their small spaces by making them as comfortable as
possible. Some playing children run through this shot.


J-BONE: Hi, Ms. Jackson. ... She hate my ass.

MS. JACKSON Looks up toward J-Bone. Her face does not register the
slightest hint of a positive response to J-Bone's greeting. In fact it
says, ,,Go to hell. " Ms. Jackson tells one of the kids, a young boy, to go
inside. Upset and reluctant, the boy complies with his grandmother's


LUCKY: Heard 'bout Derek.

J-BONE: Yeah, Derek. D-Dog! Crazy muthafucka, huh? Ain't that about a
bitch? (reminiscing) ... Anyway, so you here to check on Keisha, huh?

They start walking.

LUCKY: Yeah, I'ma give Angel some money to buy her some clothes.

J-BONE: Awww, muthafucka, you don't need to do that. I'11 get her some
clothes. Take her to the Slauson Swap Meet, Fox Hills Mall, get her what
ever she need.

LUCKY: Naw, you don't need to do that.

A crack addict walks toward J-Bone. He makes a quick transaction.

J-BONE: Ain't no thang.... It ain't like I ain't got the money. Besides,
she call me Daddy sometimes anyway.

J-Bone walks on ahead. Lucky seems a little miffed. They walk upstairs to
Angel's apartment.

INT. ANGEL'S PLACE--DAY Where Lucky and J-Bone enter. There are two small
children on the floor watching television. One is a girl, the other a boy.
The girl is six years old, and the boy is four. This is Keisha and Antonio.
On the screen are afternoon cartoons.

LUCKY: What you mean she call you Daddy?

J-BONE: Just what I said.

LUCKY (gestures to his child): Hey, little girl!

Keisha runs up into her daddy's arms.

LUCKY: Who's your daddy?

Keisha timidly points to Lucky, who smiles and looks at J-Bone.

LUCKY: That's your son, this my daughter. Don't you be forgetting.

J-BONE: Well, I'm her second daddy, since they came from the same hooka.

As if on cue and "on cue" we see a young woman of about twenty-two enter
the room. Her face looks like that of someone who is entering the threes of
what will be a hard life. Despite this, she retains a beautiful but very
uninnocent look. This is Angel.

ANGEL: What y'all two fools talking 'bout?

LUCKY: Talking 'bout your yamp ass. (takes a drink, then takes a second
look at her)

We notice the unusual color of her lipstick and her nervous twitching.
Angel begins rearranging things on her already-cluttered-up coffee table.

LUCKY: What you cleaning up for? Place look fucked up! Normal! ... You
ain't been basing, is you? (to J-Bone) Has she?

J-Bone doesn't say anything.

ANGEL: No, I ain't, and neither one of y'all is my husband, so y'all can't
tell me shit. (darts back toward the bedroom)


LUCKY: You know what I told ya ass bout that!

The bedroom door is slammed shut. Lucky lets his little girl out of his lap
and loose.

LUCKY: Told her if she start doing that shit, I'm gonna take Keisha to live
with my momma.

J-BONE: (looking at cartoons) She all right, Lucky. Believe me, I'd know.

LUCKY: Yeah. (takes a swig, then places his forty on the table) I gotta
stop drinking this shit. Fuckin wit my brain.

From outside someone calls J-Bone. He reluctantly leaves the cartoons to
sell some more crack. Lucky starts to take notice of all the clutter on the
coffee table. Downstairs, J-Bone makes a transaction. We see a piece of a
crack pipe under the hair of a Black baby doll. This catches Lucky's
attention. Lucky picks it up and notices Angel's lipstick is on its tip. He
looks from J-Bone outside toward the bedroom. Then he gets up and walks in
that direction.

29A INII: ANGELSSLAACE-DAY THE BEDROOM Where we see Lucky opening the door.
Inside Angel is just covering herself up after being with a gangsta. Lucky
closes the door.

IDEA. Start shot of Lucky opening the door then PAN OVER to reveal Angel
and the Gangsta surprised then PAN back to Lucky's reaction and he CLOSES
the door.

29B INT. ANGEL'S PLACE--DAY THE HALLWAY As Lucky takes a moment to think.
He walks off.

THE LIVING ROOM Lucky picks up Keisha

LUCKY: C'mon, we gonna go see Grandma. Your momma tripping.

Suddenly, Angel bursts from the bedroom, cursing and talking shit.

ANGEL: Who the fuck you think you is? You don't tell me what the fuck I can
do! Who the fuck I can see!

29C EXT. ANGEL'S PLACE--DAY OVERHEAD Outside, downstairs, J-Bone begins to
take notice of the storm brewing in the apartment. He looks up toward the

290 ANOTHER ANGLE: ON CRANE Where J-Bone runs around and up the stairs as
we CRANE UP with him and past the front of the apartment to see Lucky and
Angel, perfectly framed in a window, arguing up a storm.

Lucky has Keisha in hand. J-Bone enters the apartment and comes in between
the two of them.

LUCKY: Fuck you, bitch! How you gonna be fucking some nigga while my little
girl around here?! (to the guy) What you looking at nigga?

GANGSTA #1: Hey, Bone, you better tell this muthafucka to get outta ma face
before I get my strap!

J-BONE: Lucky! Lucky, calm down, G!

LUCKY: Naw, fuck her yamp ass!

GANGSTA #1: Who is this muthafucka?

Lucky throws the Gangsta a funny look. Then, breaking the first rule of the
street, he turns his back on him to continue arguing with Angel.

GANGSTA #1: What you looking at, punk? Mark ass, nigga!

Gangsta #1 sucka-punches Lucky. And they both start a big fight in the
middle of the small apartment. J-Bone joins the fight, on Lucky's side.

J-BONE: Hey, hey!

Lucky and J-Bone kick his ass. Tha Gangsta is out cold. From the fire and
light in Lucky's eyes, we can see shades of his previous life. He and
J-Bone stand back to admire their handiwork. Outside we can see a crowd has
gathered from the noise.

LUCKY: Aw, shit! Ijust got offa work. I don't need this shit. C'mon,
Keisha. Later, Bone.

Lucky walks off, daughter in hand.

30 EXT. ANGELS PLACE--DAY As Lucky, daughter in hand, quickly emerges.
Behind him Angel throws a verbal arsenal of dirty insults and threats such
as "Fuck you, niggs!" "You don't make no money, anyway!" "How you know she
your baby?" etc. As Lucky walks, we lower Angel's voice and hear another
one of Justice's poems. JUSTICE (V.O.): "In a time of secret wooing today
prepares tomorrow's ruin. Left knows not what right is doing. My heart is
torn asunder. In a time of furtive sighs. Sweet hellos and sad goodbyes.
Half truths told and entire lies. My conscience echoes thunder."



As we see Justice standing over her notebook reading a poem to lesha while
putting the finishing touches on her head. The salon is nearly empty.
Jessie is sitting at the counter. Heywood is on the phone.

JUSTICE: "In a time when kingdoms come. Joy is brief as summer's fun.
Happiness, its race has run. Then pain stalks in to plunder." (closes the
notebook) So what you think?

IESHA: It's pretty. What you call it?

JUSTICE: "In a Time."

lesha's beeper goes off.

IESHA: (looking at her beeper) Uh-oh, Chicago paging me.

Iesha gets out of the chair and goes to the receptionist's phone. Heywood
is on the phone. His face is so serious. Jessie quickly points lesha in the
direction of the pay phone on the wall. lesha sighs and walks that way.

JESSIE: You need some change?

IESHA (O.S.): No.

Justice begins cleaning up her station.


Where Heywood gets off the phone. From the look on his face he has heard
some terrible news.

JESSIE: What'd they say?

Heywood crosses over to the couch, where he sits with his head down. Jessie
goes over to console him.

THE WALL PHONE Where lesha is on the phone with Chicago.

IESHA (with attitude): What you want? Ah, huh. Ah, huh. Yeah, I'm wit it.
We got a hair show to go to up there anyway.

CHICAGO (0.S.): Bring one'o your friends too. A Ane one.

IESHA: What you mean, a Ane one? You trying to say I got ugly friends?

Justice and lesha make eye contact. Both smile. Suddenly in the background
on Justice, we see and hear police lights converge on some brothers across
the street. This catches Justice's attention.

BACK TO COUCH Where Jessie is still consoling Heywood. Behind them out the
window are the police.

JESSIE: What the hell they doing now?! I'm as glad as hell we getting outta
here tomorrow.

JUSTICE (walks up): What's wrong?

Heywood gets up and walks away. Jessie stands. Justice joins Jessie at the
window. Both stand in profile. Red and blue flashes of light flow across
their faces. There are people leaving the shop throughout this scene.

JESSIE: You got your styles together for tha Oakland Show?

JUSTICE (demure): Yeah. I'ma play with Lisa and Gena's heads. If they like
it, they like it. If they don't, they don't.

JESSIE: So you riding with us? You know we got us a little caravan going.

Justice nods. Jessie notices the stress on her face.

JESSIE: Justice. I know I ain't your momma. Hell, I ain't even old enough
to be that. But we pretty close, and sometimes we talk like sisters. I just
gotta tell ya, baby ... you gotta move on. ... A man ain't nothin but a
tool. You got to know when to take 'em out tha box and when to put 'em back
in. And if ya lose one--well, you just ...go get another. ... Take a
chance, do somethin different for a change. There's always another man
somewheres out here. (looks out the window) You gotta know sometimes you
gonna lose one. (matter offactly) Like a blow dryer or a good brush. What I
gotta do? Play Momma to everybody in this shop?

Justice thinks, looks down for a moment, then out the window once more.
BACK TO THE STALLS Where we see Dexter, Heywood, and four other stylists:
Marine, Colette, Lisa, and Gena.

DEXTER: Where's my blow dryer! I'm tired of all my shit disappearing alla

HEYWOOD (coolly): Calm down. Calm down. Here it is. I borrowed it for a
wrap I had to do this morning.

DEXTER: Heywood! Why you always borrowing my shit without asking?!

HEYWOOD: I asked you for it this morning, and you said yes. Why are you
crying over it like a bitch?

DEXTER: Who you calling a bitch? If anybody's a bitch, you a bitch!

HEYWOOD: Excuse me? You wan some? Maybe you forget I was Golden Gloves. You
catchin me on tha wrong muthafuckinday.

MAXINE: All right. All right. Dexter! As much as you talk and you borrow
everybody else's stuff alla time. (looks over his tools) Like my brush
right here.

Maxine walks away. As she does, we notice the round beautiful fullness of
her bootay. Her hair is dyed blood red.

DEXTER: I was gonna give it to ya, Maxine, I just got distracted. Mmm-mmm.

HEYWOOD: Shit, I was wrestlin champ at Crenshaw High School.

JUSTICES STALL Where she and lesha meet up once more. Iesha begins playing
with her new braids in tha mirror.

JUSTICE: So what your new man talking bout?

IESHA: He want me to go onna run with 'em. (starts scrutinizing her hair)
This is good now. I don't haveta be messing around with it. Just walk out
tha house--ya know.

JUSTICE: Yeah. What's a run?

IESHA: Oh, you know what a run is.

Iesha keeps fixing her hair. It is apparent that she is luring Justice's
curiosity. Justice takes the bait.

JUSTICE (pulls lesha's hand away from her head): No, I don't. And stop
messing with it. What's a run? He ain't no slanger is he?

IESHA: A run ... is, well, it's like this. You really wanna know?

Justice gives her a frustrated look.

IESHA: Well, you know my boyfriend Chicago, right?


32 EXT THE POST OFFICE--DUSK Where we see Chicago point at a truck and sign
a rec order. "That one," he says. He is brushing his head with a flat brush
and arguing with an Oriental co-worker.

IESHA (V.O.): You know he work at the post office and all. The one on
Century and Van Ness. Well, every so often he and his friend at work, they
have to drive up to Oakland in this mail truck, see.


IESHA: You listening?

JUSTICE (her interest apparently lost): Yeah.

In the background the other stylists are leaving. A few of them say goodbye
to Justice before they go. Justice resumes cleaning her station. Her
interest in lesha's proposal is lost.

IESHA (attempting to persuade): Well, we get in this mail truck and we
drive up the coast, get drunk, eat Mexican food, and just have a good time.
It's fun! (seeing no effect) You ain't having it, huh?

JUSTICE: No, I'm not. That is too to the curb. How am I gonna look like
riding in some mail truck? What you doing seeing some mailman, anyway? You
know they don't make no money! What he gonna do for you? Mail your bills
for free?!

Iesha folds her arms in defiance of Justice's comments.

IESHA: (frustrated with Justice) How come you don't ever wanna have no fun
no more? Girl, the world is just one big place waitin for us to go out and
fuck up in it. You gonna end up being a straight spinster.

We see Justice's face. She is definitely looking more hardened. Iesha pulls
a wad of money out of her pocket and gives it to Justice.

IESHA (walking out): Later. Thanks. You a Straight Buster!

Jessie comes up.

JESSIE: What she all mad about?

JUSTICE: Nuthin.

We hear on the salon's radio the beginning of "What You See, Is What You

JESSIE: Listen, meet us at my place at eight o'clock tomorrow. Come on,
let's close up.

We PAN over to reveal Heywood dancing. He goes over to Jessie, and they
start to dance. Justice is left standing alone.

DISSOLVE TO: 33 EXT JESSIE'S SALON--DUSK As we see Justice, Jessie, and
Heywood close the shop. Justice pulls the iron gate closed and secures its
front. Jessie locks the locks. A car cruises by, and we hear some bumping
sounds of hip-hop music coming from the inside speakers as well as the
voices of some brothers shouting out compliments to these two beautiful
sistahs. We also hear Heywood go on about how he loves himself, how life is
beautiful. He tells Justice, "See, that's your problem, Justice. You don't
love yourself. "


34 INT. Justice's Home--NIGHT It looks though it was decorated by her
grandmother, which in fact it was. We notice a portrait of an elderly woman
with similar features as Justice. There are also more than a few clocks
around, one grandfather clock and a large twenty-four-hour sandclock are
prominent. Justice has nothing but time on her hands. The air is full of
ticking mingled with the sound of the outside streets. We dissolve through
these images and slide into ...

35 INT. BATHROOM-NIGHT We START outside the doorwity and SLOWLY MOVE IN,
invading Justice's privacy. Justice is busy rolling her hair in the mirror.
She is alone. She looks at her face in the mirror. She is a mess. She lets
her mind wander as she looks at the cold tile floor. Suddenly, Justice
thinks she hears something. PAN from mirror to her face as she hears the

36 INT.HALLLWAY--NIGHT Where Justice quietly stalks. She is nervous as
hell. The sounds of the clocks become more prominent as she moves forward.
Justice's P.O.V. moving forward, as she walks down the stairs.

THE DOORWAY Where Justice stands. Someone is on the other side. We hear a
slight scratch, then silence. Quiet tension. This is broken up by the sound
of a friendly meow. Justice opens the door, and a big white cat enters.

JUSTICE: White Boy! C'mere.

She picks him up. Pets him, then he pulls away with a screech and runs

36 CONTINUED JUSTICE: Yeah, you just like a boy. I should have you fixed.

THE LIVING ROOM Where Justice picks up the remote control to turn on the
television. On the screen is Bet's Midnight Love. There is a montage of
romantic R&B videos. A flash of static and we ...

CUT TO: 37 INT. IESHA 'S APARTMENT-NIGHT We see lesha and Chicago do a
smooth, close, sexy Ragamuffln dance. We hear some Ragamuffin music in the

dissatisfied. She turns the television off. Across the room we see Justice
sitting at the piano. She looks bored. CLOSE On the piano keys as Justice
presses a low-note key. The sound transcends us into the next scene.

DISSOLVE TO: 38 INT.: JUSTICE'SLIVlNG ROOM--NIGHT As we see Justice looking
through a collection of 45 records. She picks out one.

THE RECORD PLAYER As the record begins to spin. The first few bars ofStevie
Wonder's "I Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer" float into the air.

JUSTICE: As she begins to groove to the music. She walks toward the

38A INT. JUSTICE'SHOME--NIGHT VARIOUS ANGLES Of the empty rooms within the

38AA INT JUSTICE'S KITCHEN--NIGHT Where she makes popcorn. Pours it in a
bowl, then pours tabasco sauce on it.

voyeuristic POV we see Justice grooving to the music and eating her
popcorn. She picks up a candy bar offa table.

38C INT. JUSTICE'SHOME-NIGHT HACK INSIDE Justice stops dancing, candy bar
in her mouth. She looks around for a moment and then into a mirror.
Everything seems hue, then out of nowhere she bursts into tears. She cries
a few tears for a few seconds, then wipes them away.

THE TELEPHONE Justice picks up the receiver and enters some digits.

39 INT. IESHAS APARTMENT-NIGHT We see a pair of lips that turn out to be a
telephone as lesha picks up the receiver, and we follow it to reveal her
and Chicago in bed together, Iesha lies on her stomach with Chicago on top.
Tha skins are deftnitely on. Chicago is wearing nothing except it Chicago
Bulls fisherman's cap. Ragamuffin music is playing in the background mon.

IESHA: Who dis? Oh, what's up, girl? You change your mind? ... Somethin


JUSTICE: No. No, girl, I just wanted to talk.


CHICAGO (whispers): Get off tha phone. Get off tha phone. (louder) She

IESHA: I'm talking to my friend, you mind?! (rolls her eyes and reaches
into a bag of Fritos) Listen, J, I'm kinda busy. Could you call me back

JUSTICE (O.S.): Yeah.

Iesha hangs up the phone.

CHICAGO: Finally.

IESHA (getting up): What you mean? You wasn't doing nuthin anyway!

41 INT. JUSTICE'SLIVING ROOM--NIGHT Where she sits. Her eyes wander around
the room and then rest on her cat across the way. The cat looks back at
her, then turns around and walks away into the hallway. Justice shakes her
head. Then her eyes settle on something else.

THE COFFEE TABLE Where we move up on her notebook.

JUSTICE As she wipes a few more tears away and reaches for her notebook.

42 INT. LUCKY'S HOUSE--NIGHT A NOTEBOOK As we see it being opened. Its
pages are ratty. We notice its pages are colored with children's drawings:
a family, a dog, a house.

THE LIVING ROOM Where we see Lucky lying on the couch like a potato
watching television. In the foreground Keisha lies on the floor drawing in
her notebook.

ON TELEVISION Is one of those Tom Foo Infomercials. He's that Chinese guy
who sits on a boat with a lot of pretty women (ah white) and says, "You can
be rich too. " We can't tell if Lucky is looking at this or is lost in his
own thoughts. He mumbles a rhyme about Black business versus Korean

KEISHA As she looks at the screen. We hear a helicopter go overhead as its
spotlight flows into the room. Keisha reacts to it with indifference and
continues to draw. Lucky calmly cuts his eyes in that direction. The Light
gets his attention and prompts him to get up and make a phone call.

LUCKY: Operator? Yeah, give me Oakland, please. Area code 415.

ringing phone and some sound equipment to reveal a picture of a young man.
Our attention settles on his eyes. This is Lucky's cousin, Kalil.


43A INT LUCKY'SLIVING ROOM--NIGHT BACK TO LUCKY He takes his ear away from
the phone and looks in the direction the shots were coming from. There is
some question as to which end of the telephone the shots came from.

CLOSE On Lucky's face. He looks up in the direction of the gunshots and
down on the floor.

THE FLOOR: LUCKY'S P.O. V: Where Keisha is rolled up in a ball.

LUCKY (hanging up phone): Go to bed.

Keisha gets up and goes toward the bedroom. Lucky looks at her exit, then
goes toward the window and looks outside the blinds. On the TV in the
background is the Life Alert commercial, 'i've fallen and I can't get up."
We see Lucky through the blinds in the foreground and the TV in the

THE DOORWAY Where a woman enters. She is a short, medium-size woman, with a
pretty but hardened face. The light in her eyes says she still has some
humor left. This is Annie, Lucky's mother. She has a bag of groceries in

LUCKY: Hi, Momma! Need some help?

ANNIE: Just like you to offer help when I only got one bag. ... So are you
going up north to see Kalil this weekend?

LUCKY: Yeah, look like we finally gonna get this music thing going. Tryin
to hook somebody up to listen to these tapes--so I won't haveta be doing
this post office shit no more.

ANNIE: Don't be cursing around me. Who you think I am, one'a your friends?
Be glad you got an honest job. And don't be wearing out your welcome, going
to Oakland every other weekend. You know how your Aunt Audrey can get!

LUCKY: It's not even like that, Momma. (sighs in frustration)

THE KITCHEN Where Annie enters and begins to load the refrigerator up with
goods. Lucky comes into the background.

LUCKY: Keisha's here.

Annie begins to glow with the mention of her grandchild.

ANNIE: Really? How's my grandbaby doing?

LUCKY: She fine. I want her to stay here, for good.

Annie reacts to this.

LUCKY: Angel been fucking up bad. Basing.

A pause. Silence. Neither of them says anything. Lucky begins to walk back
toward the living room.

ANNIE: Are you gonna take care of her?

Lucky turns around. He thinks.



On Keisha in bed under covers.


LUCKY: Yeah.

He walks away.

closer to the television and turns on the Sega Genesis Joe Montana Football
Game. He begins playing.

ANNIE (O.S.): Well, you just remember, that's your baby. I'm done raising
kids! You need to quit playing them video games and figure out what you
gonna do with your life. Time ain't forever!

LUCKY'S FACE: As we MOVE into his face as he plays. We hear bass beats get
louder and louder, then boom! We smash cut to...

45 INT. JUSTICE'S HOME--MORNING MONTAGE Of Justice preparing to go on the
trip to Oakland. The music we hear comes from her living room stereo.


Where she throws her Louis Vuitton luggage bag. Several articles of
clothing follow into the bag.

47 INT. JUSTICE'SLIVING ROOM--DAY THE TABLE Where Justice arranges her
cosmetology tools by order of preference and priority. We hear her mumble
"I need this, and this, and this. "

48 INT. JUSTICE'SHAT ROOM--DAY Whene we see Justice look around in a room
full of hats. She picks up a baseball cap with her name JUSTICE On the

frantically into frame. We quickly MOVE into her as she turns around and
thinks for a moment.

49 EXT JUSTICE'SHOME--DAY THE FRONT PORCH Where Justice fills a large dog
bowl full of Meow Mix cat food. Her cat comes into frame at her feet and
begins surveying this feast. When Justice goes back inside, her cat is
joined by no less than eight other neighborhood cats.

49A INT. JUSTICES HOME-DAY Justice turns off the stereo and grabs her keys.

quick hustle toward her car. She turns off the alarm with a key-chain
button. The car shouts out in an electronic voice, "Disarmed"

ANOTHER ANGLE As Justice tries to start up her car. It won't start. She
hits the dashboard in frustration and thinks for a moment.

51 INT JUSTICE'S HOME--DAY THE KITCHEN Where we see Justice on the
telephone. We hear the phone ringing on the other end.

We hear some smooth R&B music, then Jessie's voice. Over this we see the
following images.

JESSIE (V.O.) (sexy voice): Hi. This is me. If you don't know who me is,
then you have no business calling me.

THE LIVING ROOM Where we see Jessie's meticulous but uniquely furnished
apartment. Her place is just like her: polished, and all about the look.

JESSIE (V.O.) If you do know who me is, then you can do me a favor.

JESISIE'S BEDROOM Where we see her large ornate bed. What tales it could
tell if it could speak.

53 EXT. JESSIES APARTIMENT-DAY Where we see Jessie leaning up against her
car, a 1 992 Lexus. She takes the last toke of her cigarette and throws it
on the ground and extinguishes it with her sharp-ass shoes. In the
background we hear Heywood say, "We been waiting for half an hour. She
ain't coming! Let her catch up!"

Jessie gets in the car and drives away as Justice's voice clicks in on her

JESSIE (V.O.): Leave me a message. Okay? Thank you.

JUSTICE (V.O.) Jessie, it's me, Justice. You there? Well, I'm running a
(she decides it's futile) Shit!



ANOTHER ANGLE As she hangs up the phone. She thinks for a second, then
dials some more digits.

JUSTICE: Iesha? What's up, cow?

54 EXT. JUSTICE'S HOME--DAY Where Justice and Iesha walk past Justice's

IESHA: I'm telling you, girl, you gonna have fun. There ain't nothing like

Justice gives her car a kick and the alarm goes off. She quickly turns It
off with her key. As they walk out, we follow with them until we let them
cross and are on their backs to reveal the truck, which is a 1990 Ford-made
U.S. Mail truck. It is all white with the government seal painted on both
its sides. Justice stops in her tracks.

JUSTICE AND IESHA As Justice takes in the sight of the truck, Iesha is all
smiles, in contrast to Justice's discomfort.

JUSTICE: I don't believe I'm doing this.

IESHA: C'mon, we gonna have fun.

They walk toward the truck, and we see Lucky in the front seat. Lucky
switches his US. Mail cap to a more comfortable Sox hat. He smiles at
Justice. Offscreen we hear Chicago in the back of the truck.

CHICAGO (0.S.): Muthafucka say that girl from Ethiopia! That bitch from
Compton! How she gonna be from Ethiopia and have a kid named Lammar?

LUCKY: She look it, though.

Justice walks back to Iesha on the side of the truck.

JUSTICE: I don't know about this.

IESHA: Why you gotta be a buster? C'mon, take a chance for a change! Cow!

55 INT. THE TRUCK---DAY Where Lucky looks back at Chicago.

CHICAGO: She Ane, Loc.

LUCKY: Humph, I know that hoe. Crazy ass. She work in a beauty shop on

THE PASSENGER DOOR Where Justice and Iesha get into the truck. Lucky goes
back into his quiet, cool, unassuming mode. Iesha is all smiles as she does
the introductions.

IESHA: Lucky. This my friend Justice. Justice, this is Lucky.

JUSTICE (with attitude): Hi.

LUCKY: Whatsup.

THE BACK SEAT Where we see Iesha and Chicago.

IESHA: And you know Chicago already.

CHICAGO: Whatsup, baby.

IESHA: Baby? Well. Let's go.

Lucky starts up the engine.

56 EXT THE TRUCK--DAY We see the front of the truck: Ford symbol all up in
our faces. We PAN past the US. Mail symbol.

57 INT. THE TRUCK--DAY Lucky shifts into first gear as we TILT UP and he
smiles at Justice. JUSTICE Who is not amused. She puts on sunglasses.


WIDE As we see the truck turn in the street to make a U.

59 EXT CRENSHAW BOULEVARD--DAY Where we see the truck go up the street and
end on a Crenshaw sign. They are leaving their part of the city.

60 INT. THE TRUCK--DAY From inside we see the overpass of the 10 freeway
come up. INSERT The 10 freeway West.

A TRAFFIC LIGHT Which we hear and see turn red.

61 EXT. CORNER OF ADAMS AND CRENSHAW--DAY Where we see the truck come to

THE TRUCK Where Lucky waits for the light. He looks over on the other side
of the street.

THE BUS STOP Where an Old Woman gets her pocketbook stolen.

BACK TO LUCKY Who makes an expression that reads "Oh, well." There is no
shock on his face. That's the way of the world, as Earth, Wind and Fire

62 EXT. THE TRUCK: BACK--DAY Iesha and Chicago affectionately play with
each other, lesha gives him a couple of love taps.

CHICAGO (laughs): You can't make your mind up whether you wanna kiss me or
hit me, huh? That your way of saying you like my ass?

IESHA (jokingly): I don't.

CHICAGO (makes a muscle): Feel that. Feel that muscle. That's man stuff.

IESHA: That ain't shit.

Chicago grabs one of her breasts.

IESHA: Oww, shit! Muthafucka, don't be grabbing my tittie like that !

ANGLE ON JUSTICE Who glances behind her back at Iesha and Chicago and then
into the sideview mirror once again.


MONTAGE OF ROAD SIGNS Of various signs along the 10 freeway At first we go
past signs that read LA CIENEGA, CENTURY CITY/BEVERLY HILLS, then we begin
to read 405 NORTH SACRAMENTO. Different shots of the truck traveling
between dissolves.

64 EXT. DESERT HIGHWAY--DAY We start on a car as it comes in the other
left-hand lane, and as it goes past, we WHIP PAN with it to reveal the
truck. Lucky and Justice are in the front seat. Justice is obviously bored
out of her mind. Lucky adjusts his vision from the road to her in an
attempt to grab her attention.

65 INT. THE:TRUCK--DAY Lucky is driving. He looks at Justice out of the
corner of his eye. Justice is looking out at the road. Her face is
concealed behind sunglasses. We cannot tell if she is lost in the scenery
or in her own world. THE BACK Where Chicago and Iesha are asleep. Iesha is
cradled in his arms. FRONT SEATS Where there is virtual silence. All we can
hear are the sounds of the engine, the road, and other passing cars. Lucky
attempts to break the ice.

LUCKY: You kinda quiet, huh?

Justice doesn 't saty anything.

LUCKY: Guess so.

JUSTICE: Don't have nuthin to say.

LUCKY: Why you so mean? What you got to be so mean about?

Justice remains silent. She continues looking out the window.

LUCKY: Oh, so you one of them angry bitches, huh? A feminist. Justice turns
around. Lucky has gotten her attention.

JUSTICE: What did you call me?

LUCKY (matter offactly): I said you a mean bitch.

JUSTICE (taking offher glasses): No, nigga! You don't call me no bitch! You
don't know me! You don't know nothing about me!

LUCKY: I know you a bitch! Look at the way you actin. I been trying to act
all courteous and shit, and I gotta call you a bitch to even get your damn

JUSTICE: Fuck you, I ain't no bitch, I am a Black woman! I deserve respect!
If I'm a bitch, yo momma's a bitch!

LUCKY: You a bitch! We ain't talking about my momma! We talking about you!
Think you too fine to talk to nobody! L.A. bitches! I'm tired of'em!

Justice is fuming now.

JUSTICE: Let me out!

LUCKY (coolly): Where you gonna go, huh? Where you gonna go?

JUSTICE: Fuck you! I'll walk!

66 EXT. ROADSIDE--DAY Where we see the truck pull to the side of the road.
The passenger door opens, and Justice gets out, bag in hand.

LUCKY: Get tha fuck out then, bitch! Walk your ass home! It'll do them
big-ass thighs of yours some good anyway! Cottage cheese legs! Justice
turns, fuming mad. The last thing you should joke about with a woman is her
weight, even if she has a nice body.

JUSTICE: I better not see your ass around L.A. 'cause I'm gonna get some
niggas to fuck you up!

THE BACK OF THE TRUCK Where lesha wakes up from the sound of Justice and
Lucky arguing. She mumbles, "What's going on?!"

JUSTICE: They gonna fuck you up!

LUCKY: Fuck you, bitch!

JUSTICE: Fuck you up!

This exchange goes on one more time, then Lucky cuts it off by abruptly
closing the passenger door in Justice's face. Iesha pokes her head up from

IESHA: What you doing!? What's happening? Where my girl at?!

LUCKY (shifting into first gear): I'm leaving that bitch!

IESHA: Leaving her! You can't just leave my friend out here in the middle
of nowhere?! Chicago! Chicago, wake up!

67 EXT: DESERT ROAD--DAY From on HIGH we see the truck get back on the road
and drive off as we COME DOWN to reveal Justice. She is pissed off beyond

68 INT THE TRUCK--DAY Where we see Lucky driving. He is pissed off also. He
is thinking heavily about his actions.

IESHA (O.S.): Chicago! Lucky left Justice! Lucky left Justice!

CHICAGO (O.S.): So what! I'm trying to sleep!

IESHA (O.S.): But he left her! He left her out in the middle of nowhere!

Chicago comes up close to the back of Lucky's head.

CHICAGO (O.S.): Lucky. What's up, G?

Lucky sighs and looks into his side mirror.


69 EXT. DESERT ROAD--DAY: MINUTES LATER Justice is in the foreground, and
the truck is following along in the background. Iesha is trying to convince
her to get into the truck.

IESHA: C'mon, Justice, get in the truck. Ain't you kinda hot? Lucky said
he'd apologize.

LUCKY Looks at lesha. His face is about as nonapologetic as you can get.
Ain't no apologies jumping off today.

IESHA: C'mon, Justice. J! (sees something)

Justice walks past a big diamondback rattlesnake. She is so mad, she doesn
't even notice it, Iesha plays it off and continues to call Justice.

IESHA (turns to Lucky): Justice! She get kinda stubborn sometimes. Stop the

The truck stops, and Iesha gets out. Chicago gets into the front seat. WIDE
As we see Iesha get out of the truck and walk over to her friend. Lucky
exits the driver's side and goes to the back of the truck.

THE BACK OF THE TRUCK Where Lucky opens the wide doors to let Justice and
Iesha into the back.

Justice and Iesha come around the corner. The latter holds a consoling arm
around her friend's shoulders. Justice and Lucky come face to face.

JUSTICE (looks up and then with a mean face): You still gonna get fucked

Iesha smiles and tries to laugh it off. The two women climb inside. Lucky
begins to close the door, but not before giving his comeback to Justice's

LUCKY: Frankly, my dear. I don't give a fuck.


71 INT. JESSIESCAR--DAY HOOTCH MONTAGE We see a pair of nails being Aled
with a nail filer. A compact mirror, where we see eye shadow being applied
to a beautiful brown eye. A PAIR OF NAILS Are being painted bright red. The
hand is brought up to reveal they belong to Colette. She admires her

71A EXT ROADSIDE--THE FOREST--DAY HEYWOOD Walks up looking through the
viewfinder of a small videocam.

VIDEOCAM P. O. V: Where we see Jessie in the foreground standing next to
her car. In the far background we can hear the rest of their party off in
the woods. We should get the idea some of them are taking a leak.

JESSIE: It's not on. You gotta push the button.

HEYWOOD (V.O.): What button?

JESSIE: The red one.

HEYWOOD (V.O.): Oh, this button. (pushes the button and the word REC
flashes on the screen in the left-hand corner.) It's on. Showtime!

Jessie proceeds to act a fool and show off in front of the camera.

JESSIE: Well, here I am. It's me. (coolly poses on her car and takes a toke
of her cigarette) In the wilderness. The wild blue yonder.

In the background we can see Dexter come out of the trees zipping up his
pants. He calls back in the trees to one of the women.

DEXTER: Hey, Marine! I think I saw a snake back there. You better hope it
don't bite your big ass!

JESSIE: They gettin close to nature. (laughs)

Heywood laughs too, offscreen. He drops the camera. WIPE: 72 IXT. THE
TRUCK--DAY Where Lucky and Chicago ride along in the front seat. Chicago is
driving with one hand and brushing his head with the other. Chicago starts
humming a few bars of a song. Lucky joins in with a bass beat from his
mouth. We soon recognize the theme from Sanford and Son.

73 EXT. THEROAD-DAY We see the truck drive along.


CHICAGO: I'm telling ya, it was him. Saw 'em in the liquor store.

LUCKY: Which one?

CHICAGO: J and B on Manchester?

LUCKY: ... You out your mind!

CHICAGO: He had the beard, tha voice, everything. He bought a forty of Red

LUCKY:You saw Marvin Gaye in the liquor store, buying a forty? You stupid

The truck makes a funny noise.

CHICAGO: (Rrushing his head) It's thirsty. Pull the second tank.

Lucky pulls a knob. The car makes another weird noise. Chicago and Lucky
look at each other, bewildered.

BACK OF TRUCK Justice and lesha look at each other. Justice is making
shapes with a piece of string.

LUCKY: Empty. I thought you filled 'em.

CHICAGO: I thought you did.

Lucky gives him a look that reads "You stupid muthafucka." CUT TO: 75 EXT.
ROADSIDE COFFEE AND GAS-DAY Where we see the truck pull into one of the
stations. In the background we see an eigh teen-wheeler semi truck pull
into the other side. ANOTHER ANGLE As Lucky hops out of the truck. He walks
toward the back of the truck, just as lesha and Justice open the back
doors. We hold on them for a moment.

IESHA: Good, now I can get me some liquor!

They walk past as we follow them and end on Chicago.

CHICAGO: Hey, hey, don't get crazy now! And buy me a forty and some

The girls walk on. Iesha waves off Chicago.

LUCKY (O.S.): You need to put her in check! C'mon, let's hurry up. Try to
stay on schedule for a change. Fuck that CP time!

THE PUMP: OPPOSITE SIDE A foot steps out of the cab. A pair of gloves are
taken off, revealing worn callused hands. The same hands unscrew the cap
off the truck's massive gas tank.

TNE SIDE OF THE GAS PUMP THE' PUMP Where we see Lucky's hand grab the
handle. Another hand grabs at the same time.

LUCKY Looks up to see. A large white Trucker. Checked shirt, suspenders,
big leather boots. There is a short moment between Lucky and the trucker.

LUCKY: You mind?

T'he Trucker nods, indicating that he doesn't. He continues to study Lucky.

OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE PUMP Where Lucky inserts the nozzle into the tank and
begins to pump the gas.

selecting liquor.

IESHA: I gotta have my Gordon's and Socko. Justice, check that freezer, see
if they got some Super Socko. ... Hey, they don't have Old E! Y'all don't
have no Old English?

THE COUNTER Where the cashier throws his hands up, indicating that they
don't carry.

JUSTICE: Girl, don't you know they don't sell that outside of Black

IESHA: Oh yeah, I forgot. Oh well, Chicago gonna have to settle for a
Miller Light.

JUSTICE: Don't get too crazy now. You know how you get when you drink. You
heard what your man said.

IESHA: Chicago?! I don't listen to him. He ain't my daddy!

JUSTICE: He's supposed to be your man, though.

IESHA: Sheeehit! I got him sprung! I be making that fool stutter. You know
he start stuttering when he lying and shit.


CHICAGO: Now, now, now, wait, wait, wait, see, see, see! ANOTHER ANGLE

LUCKY: Money?! You give her money?!

CHICAGO: Just sometimes. I like my woman to have tha best.

LUCKY: You getting playedl How much o' that coochie she be giving up?


IESHA: I don't hardly have to do nothing. I be rationing it to 'em.

JUSTICE: Rationing tha booty! (laughs)


CHICAGO: Aw, nigga, I be knocking that shit out every other day. She can't
get enough o' me.


IESHA: That nigga is weak! Ain't got no rhythm! Plus, he a preemie! You
know what a preemie is? Two-minute brotha.

Justice laughs.


LUCKY: You paying for it!

CHICAGO: Wait, wait, wait!

LUCKY: Naw, nigga, you can't say shit! You paying for it! Paging for tha

He glances across the pump. THE TRUCK Where the Trucker stands patiently
with his arms folded.

LUCKY: Be done in a second, cuzz.

The Trucker waits. Arms folded.


JUSTICE Is at the counter.

JUSTICE: You got everything?

IESHA: Yeah. So what you think of Lucky?

JUSTICE: I don't. Look.

She points to a display where we see some toy water guns.

IESHA: Oooow!

The cashier has finished. He has a total.

CASHIER: That'll be $15.35.

Justice walks back over to the counter.

JUSTICE (O.S.): I got it. Iesha, pick up some o' those blow bubbles, too.

CUT TO: 78 EXT ROADSIDE COFFEE AND GAS--DAY Where we see Justice burst out
of the store laughing. She turns and begins squirting water at lesha. We
travel with them back to the truck as Iesha playfully squirts Chicago. He
starts running after her. He catches her, and they affectionately play with
each other. The contrast of their play to the tension between Lucky and
Justice is apparent. They share a quiet, uncomfortable glance. Justice gets
into the passenger seat.

LUCKY (to Chicago and lesha): Get in tha truck! We don't have all day!
Shit! I gotta be somewhere.

He walks around the side of the truck. THE PUIMP Where the Trucker begins
pumping his gas.

79 EXT. ROADSIDE COFFEE AND GAS--DAY Where we see the truck take off once

80 INT: THE TRUCK--DAY THE BACK Where Iesha and Chicago are kicking it.
Chicago looks bored. Iesha is mixing the gin with the Super Socko.

IESHA: Drink some o' this.

She hands him the Super Socko. Chicago takes a squig.

IESHA: Drink some more. To the middle.

Chicago takes a couple more drinks. He checks for the level of Socko left.
Iesha takes the bottle back and fills it with gin. She then proceeds to
shake it up.

CHICAGO: Lemme have my forty.

He looks in the bag.

IESHA: They didn't have no Old E.

Chicago looks frustrated. Iesha has finished her concoction. She samples
her work. Taking a small sip from the bottle.

IESHA: Mmmmmm.

She passes the bottle to Chicago, who takes a sip. Over their drinking we
hear Justice's voice.

JUSTICE (V.O.): "Love is a juice with many tastes. Some bitter, others
sweet. A wine which has few .. ."


JUSTICE'S NOTEBOOK Where we see her hand write.

JUSTICE (V.O.): "... few... vineyards."

Justice is lost in thought. Where to go from here?

LUCKY Takes notice of her writing out of the corner of his eye.

JUSTICE Notices Lucky looking at her periodically. She takes particular
notice of his dirty nasty fingernails.

JUSTICE: Your fingernails are dirty.

Lucky looks at his fingernails. He seems kinda self-conscious and moves his
hands to another part of the steering wheel.

LUCKY: What you writing?

JUSTICE (a beat): Stuff.

There is an uneasy space of time between them. They look at each other out
of the corner of their eyes. They almost make eye contact.

82 EXT THE ROAD--DAY Where we see the truck zoom up the road and into the
distance. DISSOLVE TO:

83 INT. THE TRUCK--DAY THE BACK Where Chicago and Iesha settle in the back
seat letting the liquor take its effect.

CHICAGO: Say you love me.


CHICAGO: CauseI said so!

IESHA: That's what you wanna hear, huh?


IESHA: Really? Good. (gets up, stretches her arms) You're so dumb. The more
I teach you the dumber you get. (does a double take and smells the air)
Mmmmm. S'mthing smell good.


LUCKY: What's that smell?

Justice samples the air with her beautiful nose.

JUSTICE: Barbecue.

Chicago comes up front.

CHICAGO: Y'all smell that?

LUCKY: (his eyes catching something) Yeah.


IESHA: What this?

JUSTICE (with open eyes): Oh shit! Look!

ANOTHER ANGLE As we see a virtual ocean of Black faces in the distance.
There is a gathering of some kind going on in a large park by the side of
the freeway. We start on this image, then PAN over to reveal the truck
moving forward.

84 EXT. THE TRUCK--DAY As we travel alongside the truck as we see it in
relation to the reunion. Note Three Levels: Truck in f.g.iTrees in
m.g./People in b.g./Characters speak in Long Shot.

CHICAGO: C'mon, we gonna get some barbecue.

LUCKY: We can't stay long, man. I gotta get to Oakland. Why niggas always
gotta be thinking about eating?! You eat too much anyway. That's why you
head so big. Hair look like taco meat.

85 EXT. THE TRUCK--DAY As the truck stops and everybody gets out and walks
toward the gathering of people. Iesha lags behind and takes the last couple
of sips from her drink. She takes one long last hit.

and Chicago, and Iesha running to catch up. They are walking forward just
as we SWING behind them and CRANE UP to reveal a banner that reads JOHNSON

MONTAGE OF IMAGES We see people talking, playing games, some hugging,
reunions between relatives, old mixing with the young, some dancing and a
lot of food being cooked. This is the Johnson Family Reunion. We emphasize
this last image of food being cooked.

LUCKY AND CHICAGO Look at each other. Their intentions are obvious.


Catches up as we PULL BACK with her, to reveal all four of them.

IESHA: What y'all gonna do?

CHICAGO: We gonna eat.

JUSTICE: This ain't your family!

LUCKY: We Black. They don't know that.

ANGLE Where we see a brother who is walking through the crowd obviously
drunk. He is about thirty years old and has a beard. He is also talking
very loud greeting everyone around him. Everyone around seems to be amused
by his antics. He is known as Cousin Pete.

COUSIN PETE: My cousins! My cousins! I'm with my family! My family! (sees a
couple of line women standing together) Mmmm, how you doing? We related,

The woman nods yes.

COUSIN PETE: Oh, really? Well, you know, third removed don't count. laughs
and moves on)

'I'he crowd parts to reveal him as he walks toward the foursome.

COUSIN PETE: My cousins! My cousins! What's up, cousin? You got a pretty
girlfriend here. Y'all make a good couple.

JUSTICE'S FACE As she reacts to being called Lucky's girlfriend.

COUSIN PETE: What's your name, cousin?

LUCKY: People call me Lucky.

COUSIN PETE: With a lady like this, I'd say that too. What's your name,
sweet li'l West Coast thang?

JUSTICE: Justice.

COUSIN PETE: Justice? You mean like the law, huh?


COUSIN PETE: How you get a name like that?!

JUSTICE: It's a long story. This is-

IESHA (putting on airs) Iesha. And this is my husband, Chicago.

We see subtle eye contact between Iesha and Justice.

CHICAGO: How you doing?

LUCKY: Yo, ah--cousin, what's your name?

COUSIN PETE: Just call me Cousin Pete. I want y'all to meet some family.

They begin to walk, Cousin Pete leading the way.

ANOTIFER ANGLE: MOVING BACK As Cousin Pete begins introducing Lucky,
Justice, lesha, and Chicago to the Johnson family. He introduces a few
relatives, then we switch to a P.O.V. shot and we GO PAST their faces and
see them as he says their names. We end on three old ladies sitting at a
picnic table.

COUSIN PETE (V.O.): This is Aunt Jessica, Uncle Herb, Aunt Aida Pearl,
Uncle Fred and his wife Wilma, Cousin Isaac, Cousin James, Cousin Kwame,
the Kids, I don't know all of they names, and sitting here is Aunt June,
Aunt May, and Aunt April. THE BENCH Where three old women sit: Aunt April,
Aunt May, and Aunt June. From their faces we can tell they are full of

COUSIN PETE: So y'alljust enjoy yourself, and have fun.

Iesha and Chicago go to sit down on the bench across the table from the
three old women. Iesha sits in Chicago's lap.

LUCKY: That food looks good.

COUSIN PETE: Don't it? Go on, help yourself

Lucky and Justice walk toward the tables with food.

ANGLE: MOVING BACKWARD On lesha and Chicago

IESHA (wit to sarcasm): Goodbye. Don't they make such a nice couple?

JUSTICE Turns and throws lesha a nasty look and continues walking with

BACK TO TABLE Where lesha and Chicago settle. They are both thoroughly
amused by the game they are playing. The both a them then turn to notice

THE STERN FACES OF THE THREE OLD WOMEN We PAN past the stern faces of Aunt
April, Aunt May, and Aunt June. We rest on June's face as she speaks...

AUNT JUNE: Are y'all in love?

IESHA AND CHICAGO Look at each other.

IESHA: Yeah.

AUNT JUNE: Do you know what love is child?


AUNT MAY: How can you be in love if'n you don't know what it is?

IESHA: That's just how things go.

The three women are quiet for a moment.

AUNT MAY: Are y'all married?

IESHA: Yeah.

AUNT APRIL: You young. How long you been married?

IESHA (looks at Chicago): Six months.

Aunt June's hawklike eyes probe Iesha.

AUNT JUNE'S P.O.V.: We see lesha's hand on Chicago's shoulder. Then we TILT
UP to reveal her face. She looks at her hand searching for a ring.

IESHA: Oh, I don't wear it alla time.

WIDE Of the table. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife.

AUNT JUNE (to Chicago): You don't mind if she don't wear your ring?

IESHA (answers for him): No, he don't mind.

AUNT MAY: I think he can answer for himself. If he's a real man. A real man
always answers for himself.

CHICAGO (a beat): No. No-I don't mind.

The three women shake their heads. One says, "Shoot, my husband kill me if
I didn 't wear no ring. "

is filling his plate with food. Justice is nearby. Next to her is a woman
with a baby. The woman is trying to fix a plate of food and hold the baby
at the same time.

JUSTICE: Damn you greedy.

LUCKY: Gotta eat to live.

Justice notices the woman having trouble juggling baby and plate.

JUSTICE: You need help?

WOMAN: Thank you.

Justice takes the baby in her arms. Lucky looks at her out of the corner of
his eye and continues surveying the food.

JUSTICE: Aww, she's so cute.

We see the baby's face. She is a black angel.

LUCKY (with sarcasm): You be seeing them professional men, huh? Doctors,
lawyers, pharmacists. (tastes something, then adds) Street pharmacists?

Justice looks at Lucky, then down at the baby.

LUCKY: Ah huh, I knew you was like that.

Justice says nothing.

The Woman finishes fixing her plate.

WOMAN: Here, I'll take her.

JUSTICE: She's beautiful. What's her name?

WOMAN: Her name is Imani.

The Woman walks off to a table and sits with another group of relatives.

JUSTICE: You got a kid?


JUSTICE: 'Cause you look the type.

Lucky begins to walk.

ANOTHER ANGLE: WIDE TRAVELING As they walk together and talk. In the
background we see kids playing, and some old men throwing horseshoes, etc.

LUCKY: What's the type?

JUSTICE: Dunno, you just look like--like--

Lucky looks at her for a second, stops walking, and walks on.

LUCKY (changing the subject): Anyway! You got any kids?

JUSTICE (vehemently): Hell, naw. I don't like kids.

They arrive at some chairs and sit down.

LUCKY: Don't look like that to me! (looks around) This is good. You ever
been to one a' these?

JUSTICE: No. I don't have a lot of family. The family I have ain't that

LUCKY (looking around): Well, I never seen this many Black folks in one
place where there wasn't no fight. Hmmm. ... Now what about these street
pharmacists you useta go out with?

JUSTICE: Yeah, I only went out with one.... He was my first boyfriend--my
first love.

LUCKY: So you was out for tha money, huh?

JUSTICE: No. Just 'cause somebody does a certain something for a livin
don't make 'em a bad person. Some people don't choose their path in life.
They let other folks write their story. Most of them in jail now. (adds)

There's some fine niggas in jail.

LUCKY: You used to count his money?


LUCKY: Write letters to 'em while he was inna county jail?

JUSTICE: Mmmm-huh. That's right.

LUCKY: You used to send 'em naked pictures while they in jail too?


JUSTICE (a beat): You getting too personal. ... Oh what do you know. You
don't even keep your nails clean!

She gets up and walks awtty. Lucky just looks at her, grins, and shakes his


DIFFERENT IMAGES Kids playing. Two little boys fight and are broken up by
Cousin Pete, who says, "Y'all family. Don 't fight. "

OLD MEN THROWING HORSESHOES. Some young people are dancing. A few older
folk join in on the fun. Lucky and Chicago playing a game of spades with
Cousin Pete and another man. Iesha going to an ice chest to get a Bacardi
Cooler. Justice playing with some children. The three old women sitting
like statues. Lucky and Chicago winning a hand, then starting the game up
again. Cousin Pete shouts out, "Awright then, let's play for money, play
for money!" Iesha getting another drink. Justice resting on the beautiful
green grass as a little girl puts a flower in her hair. Suddenly, she turns
to notice something. One of the old women taps another as all three direct
their attention toward Iesha, who is talking to some brother, a fly-looking
Johnny Gill type. There is definite interest in both their eyes. Justice
looks from this sight over toward Chicago.

THE CARD TABLE Where Chicago notices this also. He is pissed. Offscreen,
someone asks him to deal his hand. He does so, never taking his eyes off of

IESHA AND JOHNNY We PAN from Iesha's drunken smiling face to the handsome
face of Johnny.

THE OLD WOMEN Are having a field day. All three of them are talking away
and looking out the corner of their eyes.

JUSTICE Gets up from the children and walks over toward lesha. WIDE As
Justice approaches lesha and Johnny.

JUSTICE: I gotta talk to my friend for a second.

RACK TO CARD TABLE Where we MOVE IN on Chicago's face.

LUCKY: Looks at Chicago and then over toward lesha.

HACK TO SHOT Where lesha pulls away from Justice and goes back to talking
with her new friend.

CHICAGO Gets up and throws his entire hand down. We PAN OVER to Lucky, who
takes off his hat and scratches his head.

LUCKY (under his breath): Oh, shit!

WIDE SHOT As Chicago walks into the shot toward lesha and Johnny. lesha
looks over at Chicago nonchalantly. She doesn't even acknowledge his
presence. Chicago grabs her arm. Iesha pulls away and tries to resume her
conversation. Chicago pulls her again, and lesha walks away toward the
parking lot. Johnny tries to interfere and Chicago pushes him. She begins
cursing loudly, making it more of a scene than it already was. Chicago and
the brother get into a fight. Several family members attempt to break it

JUSTICE Is embarrassed. She looks over at Lucky.

LUCKY Looks back at her. Their eyes meet.

LUCKY (to the card group): Y'all don't mind if I take some food to go, do

THE TABLE Where the old women sit.

AUNT JUNE: Humph, that ain't gonna last long.

CUT TO: 88 EXT THE ROAD--DAY: OVERHEAD ON CRANE As we see the empty road,
then ZOOM as the truck goes up into the distance. We hear lesha and Chicago

89 INT. THE TRUCK--DAY LUCKY Is driving once more. He taps his fingers on
the steering wheel and looks over at JUSTICE Who looks at him shakes her
head and looks out the window.

THE BACK Where Chicago and Iesha are going at it. Swinging insults like

CHICAGO: What's your muthafuckin problem, huh? What's your muthafuckin
problem? Why you disrespect me like that, huh?! Why you disrespect me?

IESHA: Fuck you! You don't own me!

CHICAGO: Fuck you, bitch! Fuck you and your pussy!

IESHA: If I'm a bitch, why you wit me, huh? Why you wit me?! Leave, then!
Step tha fuck off! 'Cause I ain't in the business of keeping niggas when
they don't wanna be kept! All that talking--do it while you walkin.

THE FRONT Justice is fed up. She looks over at Lucky.

JUSTICE: Pull over.

90 EXT. RESTSTOP--DAY Where the truck pulls over in line with a row of


CHICAGO: Why we stopping?

IESHA: Good, I gotta pee.

CHICAGO: 'Cause you drinking too much! That's your goddamn problem. You an
alcoholic bitch!

They continue arguing back and forth.


THE PASSENGER DOOR Justice hops out of the truck and goes toward the back.
THE BACK Of the truck, where Iesha (bottle in hand) opens the door.

JUSTICE (coolly): C'mere. I gotta talk to you.

Iesha faintly sees the anger on Justice's face but is not aware that it is
directed toward her.

IESHA (sweetly and drunk): What's wrong, J? Lucky talking shit again? I'ma
fuck him up! Where he at?

Justice lures Iesha out to the middle of the parking lot. The latter is
holding her stomach. A few truckers walk past to notice the two girls
arguing. Iesha begins to convulse, then she throws up on the ground. She
calmly and coolly accepts a tissue from Justice, then says ...

IESHA: What's the problem?

Justice grabs the bottle out oflesha's hand.

IESHA: My drink!

JUSTICE (smashes the bottle on the ground): This is the problem! (pushes
Iesha in anger) You acting like a stupid bitch, Iesha! A stupid, alcoholic
bitch! I'm tired of seeing you get drunk! That's why I don't go nowhere
with you--'cause you get crazy! You just like my damn ... momma was.

Iesha looks at her angry friend as if stunned. Actually, she is drunk.
lesha sways back and forth as if in a daze. She begins crying.

IESHA (crying): I'm sorry.

Justice's anger gives way to compassion. She hugs her friend. WIDE SHOT As
they hug each other and an eighteen-wheeler pulls out and away. ANOTHER
ANGLE As the large truck goes past, to reveal the women once more.

JUSTICE: It's all right. It's all right. You my girl and all, but you gotta
chill on the liquor. Iesha continues to cry, mumbling in a drunken tone
about how much she values Justice's friendship: "You helped me when I had
that abortion," etc. Crying gives way to sniffles, and lesha tries to
regain her composure. She turns around to see ...

REVERSE ANGLE THE TRUCK Where Lucky and Chicago sit by the front of the
truck. Chicago is looking at Iesha.

IESHA'S FACE As she wipes her tears away and stands up straight. She looks
in her Fend bag to pull out some tissue, maintaining her dignity in front
of the men.

IESHA: I gotta pee.

Justice looks at her friend and almost cracks a smile. They walk off toward
a restroom.

JUSTICE (playfully): Cow.

IESHA: You a cow. Cow! Mooo!


LUCKY: I'm telling you she's crazy, Loc. You better get ridda her.

CHICAGO (upset): Damn man, I gotta piss. I 'ma go over here and piss in the
field. Get my nuts close to nature and shit.

As they walk off.

early-model 1 980s car pull up the driveway. Out the passenger door springs
a twelve-year-old Black girl. This is Justice, seven years younger. She
runs toward the house. The driver of the car is Geneva, Justice's

GENEVA: Girl, you better come on back here and help me with these grocery

THE STEPS Where Young Justice reluctantly shrugs her shoulders and walks
back toward the car.

93 INT. JUSTICE'S HOUSE--THE KITCHEN--DAY Where Justice and her grandmother
put away the groceries. Geneva snatches a box of cookies out of Justice's

GENEVA: You'll spoil your dinner. I'm making ox tails. (calls out)
Alfrieda! Frieda! Go tell your mother to come here!

The little girl takes off.

93A INT JUSTICESHOUSE-DAY THE STAIRS As Young Justice shoots up the stairs.


Justice the adult woman arrives at the top of the stairs.

YOUNG JUSTICE: Momma! Momma! Nanny want you!

93C INT. JUSTICE'S HOUSE--DAY AN OFFICE ROOM As Justice looks in. No Momma


93E INT. JUSTICESSHOSSE-DAY THE BATHROOM We see Justice walk forth. She
slows down as she discovers ANOTHER ANGLE As we move toward the body of a
woman collapsed on a tile floor of the bathroom.


93F INT. JUSTICE5SHOSSE-DAY BACK TO KITCHEN As Justice's grandmother hears
her screams.

93G INT. JUSTICE'S HOUSE--DAY THE TILE FLOOR We see an opened bottle of
pills. Different angles of pills on the tile floor. [Idea: Image of
Justice's mother's hand open, holding pills, in the background]

OVERHEAD Justice's grandmother grabs Justice and discovers the body.
ANOTHER ANGLE As Justice is pulled away. Geneva turns her face away from
the horror of Justice's dead mother and into the hallway mirror. Justice
covers her face up, then slowly looks at her reflection. The light behind
her changes, and we are back into ...

94 INT. REST STOP BATHROOM--DAY Justice looking at herself in the mirror. A
beat.Ilesha comes out of the stall behind Justice and taps her shoulder.

ANOTHER ANGLE As lesha walks past and we end on Justice.

IESHA: Let's go.

95 EXT RESTSTOP--DAY: MINUTES LATER A BENCH Where Lucky sits eating some
leftover barbecue. Music is playing from his small boom box. Chicago is
lost in thought. He is visibly shaken by the recent events. He looks out
along the road and then down toward the ground.

LUCKY: Hey, hey, hey, pick your head up. Don't be a buster! You don't want
her to know you upset! Be cool!

CHICAGO'S FEET Where his shoelaces are untied.

CHICAGO: I gotta tie my shoelace.

LUCKY: Wait, just wait. ... Leave it untied--it'll look better that way.

CHICAGO: That shit played out years ago.

Chicago bends down to fasten his shoes. Lucky looks at him and shakes his
head. Then he looks up to notice

CHICAGO'S P.O.V.: LOW ANGLE While he is down on his knees, Justice
andIlesha walk up. Chicago looks up and sees Justice, who walks away to
reveal Iesha. Iesha mumbles the "shake it to the east/shake it to the west"

WIDE As Justice sits on one side with Lucky. Iesha puts her arms around
Chicago's neck and gives him a kiss. Justice and Lucky look at this
exchange out of the corner of their eyes. CHICAGO As he attempts to stay
angry in light of this loving treatment. He looks over at Lucky.

CHICAGO (uncomfortable): Is it good?

LUCKY: Jammin.

Justice looks away, listening to the music.

JUSTICE: This is nice. Who's this?

LUCKY: My cousin Kalil.

JUSTICE: (matter offactly) He's flowing.

LUCKY: I give him ideas and stuff sometimes. That's who I'm going to see
now. We got this music thing going.

CHICAGO (sarcastic): It's all right.

LUCKY: Fuck you, bitch. Why you always got something negative to say?! At
least the nigga's creative!

CHICAGO: I'm creative! I know how to dress.

LUCKY: That ain't shit. You just a post-office-working nigga can't even get
into the union. What you got?

CHICAGO: What you got? Just cause you in the union don't mean shit !

JUSTICE: Why y'all always fightin? I thought y'all was friends?

CHICAGO: We ain't friends. We just work at the same place.

There is a pause. No one but the air moves. lesha is restless. She gets up.
Sobriety gives way to silliness. She stands and begins stomping on the
ground and slapping her legs. She continues to do the "shake it to the
east/shake it to the west" cheer.

IESHA (to Justice): Remember this?! Audubon Junior High?! "Shake it to tha
east, shake it to tha west--it really doesn't matter who shakes the best!"

Justice joins in. The Two Guys just look at them crazy.

CUT TO: 96 INT THE TRUCK--DAY Chicago and Iesha poke their heads through
the back. Everybody seems to be in a good mood. Iesha is telling a joke.

IESHA: So we up in heaven, right? And it's Judgment Day. And this brother
goes up to the gate. The angel at the gate says, "How many times did you
cheat on your wife?" The brother says, "I never cheated on my wife." So the
angel checks the book and says, "You're right." So the brother rolls on
into heaven in a Rolls-Royce.... So another brother comes in and he says,
"I can't lie. I cheated on my wife once." So the angel checks the book, and
he rolls on into heaven in a Cadillac. ... So then this other brother comes
in and he's a straight-up hoe, and he tells the angel, "Well, I can't
remember how many times I cheated on my wife." So he goes and rolls into
heaven on a bike. So now he's in heaven and he's just pedaling along, and
he rolls by the brother in tha Rolls, who is crying. So the brother on the
bike says, "Why you crying? You rollin through heaven in a Rolls-Royce."
And the brother in the Rolls says, "I just passed my wife on roller

Everybody laughs.

JUSTICE: (looks at Lucky) You need to clean them nails. Get a manicure.
Plenty men do it. Football players, basketball players. They all come in
the shop.


LUCKY (V.O.): You out your mind!

Where we see the truck shoot up past a beautiful California backdrop.

97 EXT ALICE'S RESTAURANT--DAY Where we see Jessie's Lexus roll up, as well
as the other car with the girls inside.

HEYWOOD (V.O.): Finally! I could eat a horse!

JESSIE (V.O.): From the looks this place, they probably have that on the

They get out of the car and walk toward the restaurant.

THE TERRACE: OUTSIDE Where some bikers sit eatin lunch.

BI KER: So I said, Fuck that! got on my bike--ran 'em over!

He picks up a bottle of Evian and takes a squig.

into the cafe on the backs of Heywood and Dexter, who part to reveal a cafe
full of bikers, motorists, and a Waitress. Jessie looks her up and down.
The sound of Steely Dan 's "No Static at All " flows through the room.
There is definitely a bohemian atmosphere here.

REVERSE ANGLE: JESSIE Checking out the place. WAITRESS: (instantattitude)
How many?

JESSIE: Seven, please. Smoking section. I gotta have a cigarette.

WAITRESS: There is no smoking section.

JESSIE: I see. Just gimme a seat then.

WAITRESS: You can have that table over there once it's cleaned off.

THE TABLE Where a man begins setting the table.

DEXTER (to Heywood): Man, why you always rubbing your stomach?

Jessie playfully rubs Heywood's stomach. The Waitress comes back. The
Waitress begins walking to a table across the room. Jessie and party

DEXTER: Maybe we should go to an AMIPM on the way. I'm not that hungry.

JESSIE: I don't want no frozen food, no chips. I need something hot to eat.
Besides, these folks need to see some Black people Sometimes. Wake 'em!
Pick'em up! Give something interesting to talk about.

THE TABLE Where they arrive and pick up menus. Jessie begins to look in a
menu as she notices behind her a couple, white, twentysomething, who are
arguing. Everybody else at the table looks over at the couple too. Jessie
ignores this and begins to select from the menu.

HEYWOOD: I like this. Healthy food. Good people.

MAXINE: They got avocado salad. I love avocadoes.

JESSIE: Anyway. Make sure we got some tabasco sauce at this table. You know
they food don't have no taste to it. She looks in her purse, pulls out a
pack of cigarettes, picks one out, and lights up.

ANOTHER TABLE Where the Waitress takes another order. She keeps looking
toward Jessie and Co.

DEXTER: Jessie, you know this is the nonsmoking section.

MAXINE: Look. Look. Girlfriend is tryin to decide whether or not to come
and tell you to put it out.

We see the Waitress at the other table. She is definitely looking in
Jessie's direction.

JESSIE: She better just keep thinking.

WAITRESS'S P. O.V: The Waitress begins walking toward Jessie. At the end of
the shot she comes to the front of the table, just as Jessie lets out a
cool puff of smoke and gives a look as if to say "What the hell you want?"

HEYWOOD: Oh look, baby's got some courage. Here she comes.

ANGLE The Waitress arrives at the table.

WAITRESS: You have to put your cigarette out. You're ruining the

THE KITCHEN Where we see Arlo Guthrie flipping burgers on the grill and
smokin a joint.


JESSIE (ignoring her): I'm almost Anished. Gotta satisfy my nic-fit. Be
done in a sec.

WAITRESS: I'm not gonna take your order if you smoke.

JESSIE (looks up): Well then, you can just stand there and wait until I
finish my smoke.

WAITRESS: You are disturbing other customers.

JESSIE (turns around to the other table): You mind?

The couple nods they don't mind.

JESSIE (to her entourage): You mind?

Everybody at the table nods their approval.

JESSIE (sarcastically): Thank you.

The Waitress storms away as if she has been personally insulted.

JESSIE: With her Farrah Fawcett 1977 hairdo. This place is a time warp.

They all laugh loudly. Jessie continues to smoke.


DEXTER: I think we should go.

JESSIE: Dexter, calm down. I ain't gonna let you get lynched. This ain't
Mississippi. (opens her purse) You see that?

We see a .38 pistol inside her purse.

JESSIE: I got it all under control. I don't play. Ask Maxine. You remember
what I did to that nigga in Riverside that grabbed my booty?

H EYWOOD (changing subject): I wonder what happened to Justice?

COLETTE: I feel kinda bad she had to drive up by herself.

JESSIE: She ain't by herself. She probably with Iesha. Justice--now there's
a girl who's got some problems.

98 INT: MONTEREY AQUARIUM--DAY UNDERWATER We see a montage of different
beautiful tropical fish.

JESSIE (V.O.): Don't wanna go nowhere, don't wanna have no fun, ain't
seeing nobody ...

We cut to a dolphin swinuning toward frame, then PAN over to reveal Justice
looking through an underwater viewing room.

JESSIE (V:O.): I think she need a boyfriend. Justice looks over toward ...

LUCKY Who is looking in another tank. He turns to look at Justice.


BACK TO CAFE Jessie pauses. Thinks. Puts out her cigarette and turns toward
the Waitress.

JESSIE: Hey! Farrah! come over here and take my order!

dunes, flat sand. We PAN to reveal the mail truck parked on the sand. In
the distance are four Agures. Justice, Lucky, lesha, and Chicago. No one
speaks. Everybody is doing their own thing. All we can hear is the voice of
the Paciffe Ocean. Justice sits on the sand, sifting it through her hands
like a funnel. We hear her thoughts as she looks out onto the ocean.

JUSTICE (V.O.): A wise man once said, you should look at the ocean and
realize that no matter how famous you are, or how much money you make, you
should know that you will never be as important as the ocean. ... Damn, why
didn't I go to college? Grandmomma would roll two times in her grave if she
saw me now. (looks toward Lucky) Hmmm, he look kinda good. I know he got a
kid, though. Look at him. He look like the type that got a baby stashed
away somewheres.

Lucky and Chicago are throwing rocks, seeing who can make a rock skip the
farthest. We hear Lucky's thoughts.

LUCKY (V.O.): She's kinda cute. Got a nice little frame. Maybe I should get
that number, see how that bootie works. ... I wonder what Kalil's doing?

Iesha is playing in the warm sand. She has dug a hole and has placed her
feet into it.

IESHA (V.O.): I wonder if my momma picked up my clothes from the cleaners.
... Oh, I know what I gotta do when I get back. I gotta call Terry with his
fine ass. Ask him to take me shoppin.

Chicago is throwing rocks in the water.

CHICAGO (V.O.): I need to just let her ass go. ... Fuck it! I can just go
and get me another bitch. I'm a good-looking nigga. I got a job. Income.
Car. Apartment. My shit is set.

Chicago turns to look at lesha. Note: Chicago in foreground, Iesha in

IESHA Looks up at Chicago as if to say, "What the fuck you looking at?"
Chicago turns back around to continue throwing rocks. Iesha turns to

IESHA: I'ma quit Chicago. His ass is L7 soon.

CUT TO: 100 EXT. THE ROAD--DAY The truck shoots past a beautiful expanse of
California farmland. 101 INT: THE TRUCK--DAY: MOVING THE BACK Where lesha
and Chicago sit. Both look bored. Iesha's legs and arms are folded. Chicago
gets up and looks into a bag and pulls out a couple of letters. He begins
to open a few of them. lesha looks surprised.

IESHA: You can't do that.

CHICAGO: Yeah, I can. Just put it in damage pile. It's fourth-class mail
anyway. (reads) A love letter.

He smells the paper.

CHICAGO: Obsession. (to Iesha) You wear that too. Don't you? I like the way
you smell.

Iesha sits across the way. Arms folded.

IESHA: I don't like the way you smell!

CHICAGO (reading letter): "I can't wait to see you again. My heart arches
with every day that you are gone. I had a dream last night, you were here,
with me." (reads on to himself)

IESHA: You know you wrong.

Chicago looks up for a moment, then back to the letter.

IESHA: I'ma quit you when we get back to L.A. I'm young. I need to be alone
for a while. Find myself and shit.

Chicago keeps reading the letter, acting like this isn't affecting him.
Iesha snuggles into a corner and closes her eyes. Chicago looks over at her

on a stage, people shopping at booths, carnival games. The air is alive
with the sounds and smells of an African market festival. What follows is a
FelLiniesque scene on the Afrocentric tip. The sounds of African drums fill
the air. Between the dialogue some striking visuals are intercut.

ANGLE As we see Justice and Lucky walking together. Justice is taking in
the sights and sounds of her environment. She is almost childlike but very
much an alive woman for once. She is blowing soap bubbles. Lucky seems lost
in his own thoughts.

JUSTICE: What's wrong with you? Why you so quiet now?

LUCKY: Nuthin. I'm just thinking. I like to get out the city. Too much shit
going down there. This is the only time I get to think. Or when I'm with my
cousin and shit.

ANOTHER ANGLE Where we notice both Iesha and Chicago are not walking

IESHA: I'm getting tired of all this walking, J!

CHICAGO: Me too.


JUSTICE: So what you wanna do with your life?

LUCKY: Survive. Live. Shit. What you wanna do?

JUSTICE: I'm talking about goals, aspirations, shit like that.

LUCKY: I don't know yet. Music maybe.

JUSTICE: So what does your cousin rap about?

LUCKY: Stuff. Life.

JUSTICE: You sure he don't talk about typical shit?

LUCKY: What you mean typical? Like what?

JUSTICE: Like "I'm bad, I'm tha shit, I'll shoot a nigga in a minute, I get
all the pussy." Stuff like that.

LUCKY: What you write about in that notebook you carry?

They stop to notice. A large Black bald muscular brother standing before
one of those amusement things where you hit a peg with a sledgehammer and
it goes up to a certain height. Several spectators are waiting to see the
man hit the peg.

JUSTICE: Poetry.

LUCKY: You trying to say my cousin's shit ain't poetry?

THE STRONGMAN Hits the peg! It flies up!

JUSTICE (V.O.): It ain't if he just talk about himself. You gotta have
something to say. Somethin different, a perspective.

The peg hits a bell, under which is written in red letters the word

JUSTICE: A voice.

They turn to walk out of the crowd.

LUCKY: What you write about?

JUSTICE: I write about what's in my heart.

LUCKY: And what's that? (touches her shoulder)

She says nothing.

JUSTICE: I dunno. What's in yours?

LUCKY: I'm still trying to find out. (notices the fact that he has touched

CHICAGO Stands in a crowd. We are looking over his shoulder at lesha
throwing baseballs into holes. She wins a little bear, which brings a smile
to her face. When she notices Chicago looking at her, it turns to a frown.
Chicago then turns to look in Lucky and Justice's direction.

LUCKY AND JUSTICE They are interrupted by Chicago's shouting.

CHICAGO (shouting): Why do we keep stopping? Don't we have a schedule to
keep to?

LUCKY (shouting): We got plenty o' time. What you worried about, nigga? We
always do this.

CHICAGO: We need to hurry up and get where we got to go. You keep
proscratinatin. (joking) You keep trying to gib to that bitch! That's tha

JUSTICE (ignoring Chicago): There's a fruit stand over there. I wanna get
some plums. (walks away)

CHICAGO: You can't pull that. She outta your league.

Lucky just gives him a look. Then he turns, and ... ANOTHER ANGLE Lucky and
Chicago in a crowd ofpeople. Chicago walks away, frustrated, as we PULL
BACK and around to see the source of the drums we have been hearing through
this entire scene. It is the Last Poets, beating out the last couple of
lines to "Niggas Are Scared of Revolution. "

BLACK MANL "But I'm a lover too! I'm a lover too! I love niggas! I love to
see them walk, talk, and shoot tha shit! But there is one thing about
niggas I do not love! Niggas are scared of Revolution!"

The crowd applauds.

bite into a plum with herjuicy lips.

LUCKY: You didn't wash it.

JUSTICE: Yeah, I did.


Justice rubs the plum back and forth between her hands and kisses it up to
God. Lucky looks on in amazement. All that is left is the seed, which
Justice holds up proudly. She laughs.

DISSOLVE TO: 104 EXTGRASSYFlELD-DAY We see Justice walking toward us
through a field. She walks slowly, almost dreamlike. Over this we hear
Justice's voice reading a poem. It is "Phenomenal Woman. "Suddenly, a zebra
(yes a zebra) walks into the shot. First one, then another, then another.
Soon there is a herd. Now we know we are in a dream--Until we hear Lucky's
voice shout out.

LUCKY: Whatcha you doing?!

WIDE Where we see the truck at the top ofa hill that overlooks a field, in
which we see Justice walking among African zebras. Chicago and Iesha get
out of the truck and look down. Lucky has the hood up and is checking the

JUSTICE (shouting): I wanna pet one of them!



BACK TO FIELD Where Justice pets one of the animals.

LUCKY: They came from that castle over there. Hearst Castle! They have a
some kinda private zoo there.

CHICAGO: They musta got out or somethin.

Chicago looks at lesha. She senses she is being watched, then she looks
over at him and walks away. He follows her.

THE ROAD Where we see the truck by the road with the castle in the
background. lesha has walked to the back of the truck. Chicago comes around
the corner and tries to talk to her.

He tries a smoother approach.

CHICAGO (smoothly): So you wanna quit me, huh?

He puts his arms around her waist.

CHIAGO: Don't you know how much I love you? Can I have a kiss?

She turns around to face him, and they kiss.

CUT TO: 105 INT. THE TRUCK: MOVING--DAY Where Chicago and Iesha are still
kissing. They are getting hot and heavy. Iesha is still doing this with
some reluctance.

THE FRONT Where Justice and Lucky sit. They are chummy-chummy now; they
talk like old friends.

JUSTICE: My first boyfriend used to get into a lot of shit. ... He got
killed, though. Tried to jack the wrong person.

LUCKY: Tha jacker got himself jacked!

He laughs. Justice doesn't find it funny.

JUSTICE: He got killed over some stupid shit.

Lucky looks at her.

LUCKY: Then why you date fools like that?

JUSTICE: That's who I fell in love with. Didn't know no better.

LUCKY: What about now?

Justice has no reply. Lucky changes the subject.

LUCKY: How many brothers and sisters you got?

JUSTICE: None. My momma didn't have no more kids. ... She didn't get a
chance to.

There is a somber moment. Lucky understands, vaguely. They hear a moaning
sound. Justice motions for Lucky to be quiet. She peeks through the

THE CURTAIN Where Iesha is now on top of Chicago. Riding him. Slowly she
moves back and forth, her legs around his waist.

Suddenly, something is wrong. Iesha gets up.

THE BACK Where we see lesha looking frustrated.

IESHA: Is that it?!

CHICAGO: Shhh! Give me a coupla minutes.

IESHA (louder) Fuck that! You can't even hang that long! Couple minutes
shit my ass!

CHICAGO: Fuck you.

IESHA: You can't! That's the muthafuckin problem! They begin arguing

THE FRONT: Where Lucky and Justice listen to lesha and Chicago going at it.

LUCKY: I'm getting sick of this shit.

JUSTICE: Pull over somewheres.

LUCKY: Here we go again.

CUT TO: 105A EXT. ROCK CLIFF--DAY FROM OVERHEAD We see the truck pull to
the side of the road. Iesha hops out, closely followed by Chicago. We MOVE
slowly with them to reveal they have parked next to a cliff that overlooks
the Pacific Ocean and some other rocky cliffs. In the distance we see
Chicago and Iesha arguing.

ANOTHER ANGLE As we see Iesha and Chicago squabble. We cannot hear them
shouting at each other over the loud ocean waves crashing among the rocks
below the cliff. The wind is blowing with a strong force.

THE TRUCK Where Lucky and Justice sit. Justice is watching. Lucky minds his
own business. He glances at his nails.

THE ROCKS Where we see the waves crashing against the side of the cliff,
eroding its sides bit by bit. We juxtapose images of the waves to the
ballet of lesha and Chicago arguing. He pulls at her. She pulls away, etc.
Their dialogue is drowned out by the sounds of the raging ocean. Iesha gets
fed up and walks toward the truck.

ANOTHER ANGLE As we come down and follow Iesha. We can fully hear them
arguing now.

IESHA: You weak! You a weak-ass punk! Just 'cause work out don't mean shit!
Think you buff! I wish I never met your sorry ass! Sorry muthafucka!

Chicago takes his brush out of his back pocket and begins brushing his
head. He is trying to maintain his cool because they are now in front of
Lucky and Justice.

IESHA: Yeah, that's right. Brush that hair. Weak-ass fade! Nigga dick can't
stay hard five seconds. Watcha do, take steroids?!

We see Iesha's mouth in CLOSE UP. She continues to lay on the insults as we
SLOW DOWN TIME. Chicago continues to brush his head. He concentrates on
looking at Iesha's mouth running a mile a minute.


IESHA: That's why I'm fucking somebody else!

This catches Chicago's attention. He stops brushing his head, and calmly
walks toward Iesha, as we PULL BACK with him to an over-the-shoulder with

JUSTICE Is wondering what will happen next.


CLOSE. ON IESHA 'S FACE Who gives him a look that reads, "You ain 't gonna
do shit!" She continues to taunt him.

ANOTHER ANGLE Lucky, as he turns away.

LUCKY: Awww, shit!

SLOW MOTION As Chicago slaps tha shit outta Iesha. Her back is to CAMERA so
that we can see the fury in Chicago's face.

ANGLE: SLO MO Chicago's hand hitting lesha.

BACK TO NORMAL SPEED Iesha reels back, then recovers. She touches her
mouth. There is blood on her hand. She looks up toward Chicago. We see fire
and fury in her eyes, and then... IESHA GOES MUTHAFUCKING CRAZY!!!

IESHA: (shou ting and echoing) Muthafucka!!!!

Iesha charges toward Chicago with fury. Hell hath no fury like a Black
woman s scorn. Iesha and Chicago fight. Each is cursing at the other. To
our surprise this is no one-sided battle: Iesha is holding her own. She
hits Chicago square on the chin with a wild punch. Chicago reels back in
shock and continues fighting.

Justice is going crazy. She doesn 't know what to do.

JUSTICE (to Lucky): You just gonna let 'em fight?!

LUCKY: That ain't my business.

Wild with frustration, Justice gets out of the truck and walks toward the
fighting couple. Lucky gets outta the truck.

CHICAGO AND IESHA The tide has turned on the fight--Chicago is kicking
Iesha's ass now. She swings a wild punch, and he connects with a direct
hit. Chicago drops back to get his bearings. We see Justice come up in the
background. Boom! A foot slams between Chicago's legs. Chicago grabs his
crotch in pain. He slowly turns, then charges Justice. They tumble on the
ground, and he reels back to hit her.

LUCKY (O.S.): Hey!

ANGLE On Lucky, who walks toward us with anger.

LUCKY: What tha fuck is wrong with you, nigga?! Get the fuck offa her!

CHICAGO (getting up): What's wrong you?

LUCKY: What you beating up on females for, dude?! That shit is weak!

CHICAGO (pushes Lucky): Aw, punk. You just saying that shit 'cause you
strung out over this bitch! Moralistic muthafucka!

Luclcy walks closer to Chicago and socks him in the stomach. He folds like
a set of new French doors.

LUCKY: If you was a real man, your shit woulda been straight from tha git
and you wouldn't haveto hit your girl. Punkass. (helps Justice up) Get up.
You all right?

Justice murmurs a "yes" and walks over to attend to Iesha. Lucky is left
standing alone. He thinks.

JUSTICE AND LESHA Where Justice helps her friend up Iesha is scratched. She
continues to curse with a bloodied mouth. Iesha pulls away, attempting to
continue fighting, only to be restrained by Justice.

IESHA (crying): Fuck that muthafucka! He getting jacked! I'ma, I'ma call
Dooby, I'ma call Monster Loci They gonna shoot that nigga. He ain't
nobody's daddy!

Lucky looks over at Iesha. He doesn't notice Chicago getting up and
charging him. Lucky and Chicago get into a brawl. They tumble and wrestle,
punches are thrown, kicking, all the elements of a good scrap. Lucky
prevails. He gets up.

LUCKY: Fuck you, phunk. I'm leaving your stupid ass!

CHICAGO (coughing): You can't leave me! We got a job to do!

LUCKY: Fuck this muthafuckin job! My momma didn't have me so I could work
at no muthafuckin post office all my life! Shit! Catch a bus to 'Frisco.'We
only forty miles away.

He walks away. Justice and Iesha are getting into the truck. Chicago
suddenly becomes apologetic.

CHICAGO: Naw, man. I'm sorry, dude! Yo, we friends, man. Fuck them hoes!
Why don't leave them, dude?! Why you tripping?!

WIDE As the truck drives on, leaving Chicago on the road. A duffel bag is
thrown out the window. Chicago continues to shout out at Lucky: "Watch you
doing, man?"and "Stop bullshitting!"

ANOTHER ANGLE: BACK OF TRUCK P.O.V. As we PULL AWAY from Chicago shouting
at the truck. We hear Justice's voice over the following images.

JUSTICE (V.O.): "Is it true the ribs can tell the kick of a beast from a
Lover's fist?"

36 INT. THE TRUCK--DAY THE BACK Where Justice holds lesha in her amis.
Iesha cries.

JUSTICE (V.O.): "The bruised bones recorded well. The sudden shock, the
hard impact. Then swollen l:ids ..."

THE FRONT Where Lucky drives alone. He is very upset.

JUSTICE (V.O.) "Sorry eyes, spoke not of lost romance, but hurt."

BACK TO ROAD Chicago staggers a couple of feet, looks around, picks up his
brush. He sits by the side of the road and begins to brush the back of his

JUSTICE (V.O.): "Hate is often confused. Its limits are in zones beyond
itself. And sadists will not learn that. .. ."

BACK TO LUCKY Who pulls over the truck in frustration THE BACK SEAT: Leave
time for voice over, then Justice speaks.

JUSTlCE (V.O.): "Love by nature, exacts a pain unequalled on the rack.

Justice looks up from holding her crying friend. She has noticed the truck
has stopped moving.

JUSTICE: You all right?

IESHA: Yeah. Why we stopped?

JUSTICE: I don't know.

107 EXT THE TRUCK--DAY OVERHEAD: ON CRANE We see Justice get out of the
truck as we DESCEND to let her pass, then go back UP to reveal they are on
an,ther peak overlooking the Pacitic Ocean. We see Lucky sitting on the
grass i, the far distance. Justice walks out to talk to him. A blanket
drapes her shoulders. ANOTHER ANGLE As we see Justice come forward and drop
down to sit next to Lucky. There is a pause. Neither one of them saiys
anything. All we can hear is the sounds of the ocean and the sea gulls.
Justice attempts to break the ice.

JUSTICE (laughs): They was gonna break up anywag. (reminiscing) I remember
when I was little and my uncle Leon used to come around and give me and my
cousins change. He would go to the liquor store, buy a forty-ounce of beer,
then throw us the change. And I'd always ask for the "big nickel." I
couldn't pronounce quarter, so that's what I'd call it. (to Lucky) Yuk,
look at them nails. Give me your hand.

Lucky gives her his hand. Justice looks in her pocket and produces a nail
file. She begins to file Lucky's nails. Lucky shows his discomfort.

JUSTICE: Anyway, so because of that my grandmother used to say I was always
looking for the big nickel. Anything I did- ride a bike, go to school, do
somebody's hair--she'd say "Justice! You still looking for that big
nickel?" That was before she died.

Lucky looks at the concern on her face.

LUCKY: When she die?

JUSTICE: About two years ago. She left me her house. My mother died when I
was twelve. Suicide. She named me Justice cause she was in law school when
she got pregnant with me. ... I'm all alone. I got a cat, though.

LUCKY: Damn.

Justice looks at Lucky's nails. Their eyes meet. They kiss. Justice looks
at Lucky's nails. Tilt to nails, clean, filed. Tilt up, they kiss.

108 INT. THE TRUCK--DAY Where we see Iesha inside. She has cried herself to

108A EXT. THE ROAD--DAY THE GRASS Where Lucky and Justice continue to kiss.
Justice stands up for a moment, looks off into the distance. We hear her
thoughts over the following images.

JUSTICE (V.O.): Give me your hand. Make room for me to lead and follow you
beyond this rage of poetry. The she opens the blanket up like a cape and
surrounds Lucky. The make love.

JUSTICE (V.O.): Let others have the privacy of touching words and love of
loss of love. For me, give me your hand.

WIDE As we see them against the backdrop of the grass and the beautiful
Pacific Ocean. The blanket erupts with the ripple of their bodies.


109 EXT. THE ROAD--DAY Where we see the truck shooting up the pacific Coast

110 INT. THE TRUCK--DAY Where Lucky and Justice ride on. Suddenly something
catches Justice's eye.

JUSTICE'S P. OV: Off the road she sees a dilapidated empty drive-in
theater. She and Lucky exchange a glance.

DISSOLVE TO: 111 EXT WINDMILL VALLEY--DUSK We see a windmill. Then another,
then another Then we see a whole hill covered with windmills. We see the
truck coming through the hills. The hills are revered with windmills.

DISSOLVE TO: 112 EXT: THE ROAD--DUSK We start on the truck coming up the
road, then PAN with it to REVEAL a sign that reads YOU ARE NOW ENTERING

DISSOLVE TO: 113 INT. TRUCK--DUSK Where Lucky and Justice ride along.

LUCKY'S P.O.V. Where he sees a big brawl in the street. Docu-style realism
sets back in. BACK TO TRUCK Justice turns to Lucky and smiles. Lucky just
looks at her. Then he lowers the boom.

LUCKY: I gotta tell you something.

Justice turns her attention out the window. She sighs. She can sense this
is gonna be something heavy. JUSTICE'S P.O.V.: Subjective to objective,
then reveal Justice. There is a car accident in the street.

JUSTICE: What? Oh shit, don't tell me you got somethin!

LUCKY: No. But listen--I'm only saying this cause I like you and you should
know before anything else happens.

114 EXT. OAKLAND NEIGHBOURHOOD--NIGHT Where we see the mail truck turn a
corner and go up a street. In the far distance we can see the red lights of
an ambulance.

115 INT: THE TRUCK-NIGHT Where the flashing lights fall upon Lucky's face.
He ignores them and pulls to the curb.

JUSTICE: A little girl, huh? Why didn't you tell me that shit from the

LUCKY: I didn't think it was important. How was I to know we wuz gonna ...
hold on, let me just check in with my cousin.

Where Lucky gets out of the truck and walks up to his Aunt Audrey's house,
notebook in hand. He is on cloud nine and in the best of spirits. People
are running past him and down the street toward the ambulance and police

BACK TO TRUCK Where Justice and Iesha emerge.

IESHA (stretching:) What we doing here? How come we didn't go to the hotel?
Shit, I'm tired.

THE DOORWAY Where Lucky arrives to notice that it is open. Empty. Dark.

LUCKY: Kalil! Aunt Audrey! Anybody in here!?

He goes in. ANOTHER ANGLE: NEW SHOT As Lucky comes back out and looks down
the street. He senses something wrong. Lucky hops off of the porch and runs
with the rest of the crowd down the street. We follow with him some ways
then swing around in front of him. Lucky pauses in shock. We hear screams.
Lucky comes forward as we move with him to reveal his cousin Kalil on a
bloody stretcher, his aunt Audrey frozen in shock, and a crowd of
spectators standing around. Lucky makes his way to his aunt, and they
embrace. CLOSE UP: LUCKY As he looks up from his aunt toward the ambulance.
In the background an attendant is trying to get some information from Lucky
and his aunt. They say nothing. Also we hear the various voices of people
in the crowd with a thousand explanations of what happened. TIMESLOWS DOWN
JUSTICE AND IESHA Walk up. Both stand there in shock. We frame up Lucky
holding his aunt in the foreground, with the two women in the background.

116 INT. AMBULANCE DOOR P.O.V. Where the door is closed and the truck moves
away, revealing Lucky and his aunt still embracing. He leads her toward her

DISSOLVE TO: 117 INT. THE TRUCK--NIGHT Lucky is driving. Justice sits in
the next seat. Solemn. Iesha is in the back quiet and frozen .

118 EXT. OAKLAND HOTEL--NIGHT We see Jessie come down some stairs and enter
some change into a cigarette machine. It takes her change, she hits it a
couple of times, and a pack comes out.

THE PARKING LOT The truck comes into the lot, and Justice and Iesha hop
out. Lucky comes around from the driver's side. Iesha looks as though she
wants to say something to Lucky, but she can 't bring out the words.

IESHA: You all right?

Lucky has no reaction. Iesha backs up and reluctantly walks away, leaving
Lucky and Justice alone.

LUCKY Walks over to the front grill of the truck and sits down.

JESSIE As Iesha walks past her, and she watches and waits to talk to
Justice. JUSTICE Follows him and sits next to him. She puts her arms around
Lucky and tenderly kisses him. She kisses his neck, face, etc. The music
gets higher. Everything is romantic, then

Lucky puts his head down then looks back up.

LUCKY: I mighta got there on time if I hadn't been fucking around wit you.

He walks away.

JUSTICE (confused, shocked): What?!

ANOTHER ANGLE: WLDE SHOT: PARKING LOT: SFX As we see the truck start up and
back away from Justice. Leaving her standing there alone. She walks toward
the hotel and Jessie.

JESSIE: You scraping the bottom of the pudding cup now, huh?

JUSTICE (pissed off): Know what you talking about before you judge.

They walk on.

JESSIE: Oooh, you even walk different.

Justice just turns to look at Jessie, then she walks on.

Lucky opens the back door, and we see him and a Dockworker talking. Several
workmen begin unloading boxes and bags off the truck.

DOCKWORKER (filling out a form): I thought there was supposed to be two of

LUCKY: Nope.

DOCKWORKER: Well, see ya next time around.

LUCKY (taking the form): I don't think so!

120 INT JUSTICE'SHOTEL ROOM--NIGHT There is a conference going on. Justice,
Iesha. Jessie, and Heywood are present. From the looks on their faces, we
can tell what the topic of discussion is: men. lesha is holding a cold
towel to her eye.

HEYWOOD: Hold it there. It may swell a little. Let me see it.

She takes the towel away. We see her eye. It's a small shiner.

HEYWOOD: Awww, that ain't that bad.

IESHA (looks at him like he's crazy): It ain't.

Jessie looks at Iesha's eye.

JESSIE: That ain't nuthin, girl. I got this girlfriend Susan, she got this
thing where she don't think a man loves her unless he beats her. Anyway,
this nigga went off on her once, and her eyes were so big. You know them
Dunkin' Donuts?

HEYWOOD: The big ones with the glaze on 'em?

JESSIE: Yeah, those the ones. Well, you take two of those, put them on both
eyes, and that's what she looked like. You young. You gonna learn. Don't
fight no man with you fists--you fight him in his wallet. Now instead of
swinging on 'em, you shouda gave him some, let 'em go to sleep, reached
into his wallet, and took his credit card.

HEYWOOD: And we all woulda had a party!

JESSIE: On him! Jessie and Heywood laugh. They start reminiscing,
utteringpast stories. Iesha cuts them off.

IESHA: What credit card? That nigga ain't got no credit card!

Jessie turns and stops.

JESSIE: Well, shit then, you is a fool. (laughing and looking at lesha's
eye) Men ain't shit.

Jessie and Heywood start laughing again.

JUSTICE: That's the truth.

Jessie stops laughing.

JESSIE: Excuse me? I thought you was in love.

JUSTICE: You thought wrong. Don't assume. You assume, and you make an ass
outta you and me.

JESSIE: You were already an ass. Ya'll still gotta lot to learn about the

Justice's face, as Jessie's words sink in.

JESSIE: C'mon, Heywood. Let's go get a drink. (walks away, mumbles) These
little young girls don't know they cuchie from a hole in the wall. Shit, I
just rest and dress, honey. Love don't live here anymore.

Justice returns to consoling her friend, but we can tell her mind is miles

JUSTICE: It ain't that bad.

She helps her with the towel on her eye. THE DOORWAY Where Colette sticks
her head in.

COLETTE: Is everything all right?

Justice turns around, Iesha is cradled in her arms.


DISSOLVE TO: 121 INT: THE SOUND LAB--NIGHT Lucky's cousin 's makeshift
recording studio. We see a four track, a drum machine, a keyboard, two
turntables, a large boom box, a rhyme dictionary and thesaurus, and a ton
ofrecords. The walls are covered with the faces of the heroes of hip-hop.
Posters of Public Enemy, KRS-One, EPMD, and everybody else who is truly
down. Among the mess Lucky spots a tape that reads LUCKY.S NEW BEATS. He
pops it in the box. We hear the beat. It is a smooth, Loc'd out gangsta
groove. Lucky listens for a moment, then presses STOP OR the box. He thinks
for a moment, then hits his hand on the desk and stands. Then he sits once
more to think. Like "The Thinker. "

DISSOLVE TO: 121A INT THESOUNDLAB DAY The light changes to a golden hue as
a new day arrives, and we see Lucky, who has apparently fallen asleep in
the chair. He awakes. He sits up, leaving an afterimage of his sleeping
self on the chair. When he stands, it disappears! He smells the air: Food.
We hear children playing upstairs.

122 INT. AUNTAUDREY'S KITCHEN--DAY Where Aunt Audrey is cooking up a storm:
A real southern breakfast. We see eggs, bacon, fried chicken, biscuits,
etc. Aunt Audrey is cooking to keep her mind off of the death of her
firstborn. Also in the kitchen is Uncle Earl, Audrey's brother Tequan, her
second son Shante, her daughter, and a few other family members young and

AUNT AUDREY (manages a smile): Morning, Lawrence. You hungry, baby? C'mon
over here and get you somethin to eat.

Lucky goes over to the table.

LUCKY: I ain't hungry. I'm too mad to eat.

Audrey has no reply to this.

THE STOVE: A FRYING PAN Where Aunt Audrey pulls some chicken wings out to
drain on some paper towels. She pauses for a moment and attempts not to
lose her composure.

UNCLE EARL: Audrey, sit down. Sit down. You gonna wear yourself out.

Audrey sits down across from Lucky. She looks as though she is in a daze of
depression. Her gaze finds Lucky.

AUDREY: Lawrence and Kalil useta do music together. They used to make them
tapes. They was trying to do something with they lives. Something
constructive instead of destructive.

She laments for a moment.

AUDRY: Shante, check that chicken, baby. Make sure it don't burn. (8 beat)
Lawrence, I want--I want you to know you my favorite nephew. Your mother,
even though we sisters, we don't alwags get along. I was always happy you
and Kalil were more like brothers than cousins. Family should stick
together no matter what.

LUCKY: What you gonna do with all this equipment?

SHANTE (nonchalantly): Sell it.

LUCKY: What?

SHANTE: We need the money.

LUCKY: Every dollar he made went into that room. Why every time people try
to build and do somethin, somebody gotta come along fuck up shit?!

AUDREY: What do you think we should do?

LUCKY: Give it to me. I'll do somethin with it.

SHANTE (sarcastic): Like what?

AUDREY (looks over to stove): Shante! Turn the fire off. Take them wings
out the skillet and drain off all that oil. My blood pressure's bad enough
as it is. (turns back to Lucky) Anyway, what would you do with it?

LUCKY (looks around): Use it.

CUT TO: 123 EXT. AUDREY'SHOUSE-DAY Where we see Lucky and some of his
cousins loading the equipment back into the mail truck. Aunt Audrey gives
Lucky a hug before he gets into his truck. Over these images we hear
Audrey's voice.

AUDREY (V.O.): Well, take it then. Just 'cause my baby didn't get a chance
to realize his dream don't mean you can't do what you gotta do.

Lucky starts un the truck

123A EXT. THE ROAD--DAY Traveling montage on the road. Beautiful sights of

DISSOLVE TO: 124 EXT THE ROAD--DAY Lucky's face from outside the truck
while it is moving. The truck speeds up, and goes into the distance. We
hear Justice's voice: another poem begins.

125 INT. THA HAIR SHOW--DAY As we TRAVEL through the Oakland Hair Show from
a docu-style perspective. Heywood is behind the camera. There are many
exhibits on display. We see new products being introduced Salesmen on
different montages peddling everything from mousse to gels to tools. Our
attention is drawn to the various hairstyles present and the reactions of
the characters to being filmed. We see Jessie and entourage walking through
the crowd having a good time. She is pointing at people and making
comments. Heywood points the camera at Dexter: "Sexy Dex. " Eventually we
see Justice. She is attending to Lisa and Gena's hair, as well as the hair
of two other women. They're her models, for her hairstyles. There are many
other stylists doing other people's heads also. Justice is noticeably
nervous at being recorded She tells Heywood to turn that shit off. End of
docu-style. THE RUNWAY Where we see the models come forth. Our attention is
drawn to their heads as we notice their beautiful intricate hairstyles The
hairstyles are like sculpture. A TABLE OF JUDGES Watches the models as they
come forth.

126 EXT. THE DESERT--DAY Where we see Lucky walking along the road in the
desert. The truck is nearby in the distance. He is thinking.

126A INT: THA HAIR SHOW--DAY Justice lets out a breath. The Judges begin to
talk and review their notes.

DISSOLVE TO: AN AWARDS CEREMONY Trophies are given out to representatives
from different salons. Justice receives a trophy and is congratulated by
Jessie and company. She holds it up for all to see. But she is not happy.
She smiles an uneasy grin.

1268 EXT HIGHWAY-DAY We end on an image of the truck going across the
horizon. FADE TO BLACK:

127 INT. JESSIES SALON--DAY MONTAGE We see hair and nails being done.
Everything seems normal once more in the shop. A voice changes the mood.

RITA (V.O.): Bitch, if you don't quit staring at me, I'm gonna knock them
eyes outta your head!

THE STYLLSTS Look up. WAITING BENCHES Where two women sitting across from
each other are looking at each other like cats in a fight. The first one is
Rita, the second one is Simone. Simone is kinda prissy. She talks to her
friend next to her.

SIMONE: I can't even deal wit her skainchie ass! She just better stay away
from James.

A HAIR STATION Where Jessie is doing someone's head.

JESSIE: Hey, hey, hey, why we gotta have this here? Take your shit out in
the street. I got enough problems as it is.

RITA (stands up to leave, looks at Simone): Yeah, bitch, you can say what
you want. But remember this, every time you kiss him, you tasting my pussy!

127 CONTINUED JUSTICES STATION Where she stands attending to a client's
head. Her face looks much as it did at the beginning of the film. Only this
time she is made up more. Justice finishes the woman 's head and begins
cleaning up.

THE DOORWAY Where Rita leaves, and Lucky enters with Keisha in hand. He is
dressed in very casual attire. As soon as he enters, his presence is felt
by every woman in the shop. Justice looks up and, noticing Lucky, excuses
herself from her client and goes over toward the counter.

LUCKY'S P.O.V.: As we slowly move forward toward Justice. She looks around
to see the reactions from the other women.

BACK TO LUCKY Who reaches the counter and casually leans against it,
looking at the other women. His gaze reaches a couple of them, who
instinctively look away. He turns to face Justice.

LUCKY: What's up?

JUSTICE: Who's this?

KEISHA: Keisha.

They shake hands.

JUSTICE: My name's Justice.

KEISHA: What's Justice?

Lucky and Justice just smile.

LUCKY (motions toward the couch): Mind if we sit down?

ANOTHER ANGLE As the party of three all sit down. Simone and her friend sit
across from them. Both women are nosy and attempt to listen in on the
conversation between Lucky and Justice.

LUCKY: Ah, mm, well, listen I want you to know I'm sorry. I made a mistake.

JUSTICE: Come closer. I wanna whisper somethin to you.

LUCKY: Get the fuck outta here. I ain't fallin for that shit again.

JUSTICE: Naw, seriously--come here.

They look at each other. Get closer. They kiss. The kiss is initiated by
Justice, which surprises Lucky.

THE SHOP Where Jessie and the rest of the salon look equally surprised.

JUSTICE: Your nails look clean.

LUCKY (looks at nails): I wonder why? (to Simone and party) What you
looking at?

Justice's gaze turns away from Lucky to Keisha.

JUSTICE: What did you do to this little girl's hair?

LUCKY: Nuthin.

JUSTICE: It looks like it. C'mere, little girl.

ANGLE As Justice guides Keisha toward her station. She sits Keisha in the
chair and proceeds to analyze what can be done with her hair.

THE COUCH Where Lucky looks at Justice playing with his daughter's hair.
There is a glazed look on his eyes.

LUCKY'S P. 0· V.: MOVIN TOWARD JUSTICE As he/we see Justice skillfully
workin on Keisha's hair. We hear Justice's voice over as she says another
poem. At the end of the poem, Justice looks up toward Lucky/us. She smiles.


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