(Stephen Knapp)
Light Painting Artist and creator of the medium,
His artwork in Glass, Steel and Light are held
in museums, international airports and
private collections of major corporations

Agnes Bidell
Beulah Hamilton
Balthazar Korab
David DiCheria
Ed Vaughn
George D Arnold
Hubert Massey
Jeanne Poulet
Karen DiChiera
Leno Jackson
Maggie Allesee
Marcus Belgrave
Richard Danielpour
Ron Milner
Stephen Knapp
Thurgood Marshall Vid
Blues Rhythm
Sam Greenlee
Charles McGee
Frenchie Davis
Documentary Home
Vintage Detroit Hip Hop
about Brian
Home-Brian Heath

Stephen Knapp’s Lightpaintings are a new art form, a new beginning and the next step in the evolution of painting. Dispensing with traditional media and narrative content he is one of a small group of artists who work with light. Formed at the intersection of paintings, sculpture and architecture, his lightpaintings are intangible, multi-dimensional compositions of pure radiance making visible the light that surrounds us and transforming it into something physical yet inherently transcendental.

This footage covers the installation of a lightpainting at the Flint Institute of Art Film Theatre.  It is cut raw footage of his process.  Stephen speaks about his process and installation method while installing.

In his lightpaintings Stephen Knapp creates destinations, a sense of place. Behind the lush colors and striking compositions underlies a serious exploration of space and dimension, light and color and perception that will forever change how we look at objects.

Lightpaintings are created by using a special glass treated with layers of metallic coatings that act as a selective prism to separate focused light into different wavelengths of the spectrum. Knapp cuts, shapes and polishes the glass in his studio to make a palette that he can use to refract and reflect light onto a surface and the surrounding space.

Tailored to their immediate setting, Knapp’s lightpaintings embody an inherently unique and wholly original form of art that integrates sculptural, structural and purely visual elements into compositions that transform their environment and envelop the viewer in iridescent radiance. The resulting creation displays abstract art’s affinity with music; the relationship of form, space and color akin to those of melody, time signature and harmony.  Lightpaintings are in fact symphonies of color.

Lightpaintings have been called “light sculpture”, “new media”, “kinetic” and much more as viewers try to describe this new medium.

Oral histories and artist documentary footage in visual arts, music, rap, dance ,social justice and human rights and more. All film, video, photographs and audio clips listed were filmed, photographed, recorded and or taped by me. - Brian Heath

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© Brian Heath 2021

Bridge to the Future, Inc.

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