Semaj Brown

“…a poet, a priestess, a force of nature, of anger and love…”

Jan Worth-Nelson | East Village Magazine describes Flint, Michigan’s First Poet Laureate, Semaj Brown


Agnes Bidell
Beulah Hamilton
Balthazar Korab
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Ed Vaughn
George D Arnold
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Karen DiChiera
Leno Jackson
Maggie Allesee
Marcus Belgrave
Richard Danielpour
Ron Milner
Stephen Knapp
Thurgood Marshall Vid
Blues Rhythm
Sam Greenlee
Charles McGee
Semaj Brown
Frenchie Davis
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Semaj Brown was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1960. A poet, author, playwright, and educator, she holds a BA in Biological Science from Wayne State University and is the daughter of classically trained pianist Bessie James.  Semaj became the first Poet Laurette of Flint, MI in 2019. 

February 11, 2004 Semaj held a poetry reading and lecture with students at Marygrove College class. The readings featured poems from her Wave Rock poetry. Students inquired about her style, understanding the thinking behind her use of words and Islam.


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© Brian Heath 2021

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